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August 24, 2021 Meeting with Deborah Gardner, CMP

August 24, 2021
9:00 AM - 11:15 AM
Hilton St. Louis Frontenac
1335 S. Lindbergh Blvd.
St. Louis, MO
Phone: 314-416-2234

3 Actionable Ways to "Get off the Block & Go" in Today's Meetings & Events Industry

Hosted by:

Join us for a Rise & Shine Breakfast with guest speaker Deborah Gardner, CMP.

Massive changes and crises have affected the meetings and events industry in unprecedented ways, but you have the power to help your organization and the industry transform into new experiences that pave the path forward. Whether to provide better meetings or customer solutions, enhancing relationships, reach a higher goal, crush it when selling or leading, grasp new innovative ideas to implement immediately. Gain momentum in this fast-paced "real-time", "talk-back" interactive program format where you participate in an open discussion while learning from others. Let's kick off the new MPI year together! The time has come to put YOU into action! Up for the challenge?

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the new proven advanced method that will help you dominate any stumbling blocks that slow innovation and adaptation - and opportunities to overcome them.
  • Understand the fundamental components to help you get off the block and go.
  • Participate and nurture your relationships by hearing a wide range of answers to your daily issues.

DeborahGardner-Swim_200A swimming champion turned author and competitive performance expert, Deborah helps hundreds of companies and organizations advance to new levels of success while working and living in the fast lane. Better known by many Fortune 500 companies as the Pit Bull in a Skirt, Deborah is rising to international prominence with a captivating, entertaining, humorous, and sassy presentation style. Deborah's competitive practice comes from living in the fast lane; from being a Marine Brat to growing up in a small 16-foot trailer, a real-life wedding-crasher to an Olympic Trial swimmer, a ground-breaking leader as one of the first female broadcasters with CBS Sports and a longtime hospitality sales veteran. Today, Deborah is the founder and host of the popular Hospitality Today Live broadcast show. With a laundry list of honors, Deborah was  most recently named as one of Smart Meetings Magazine's Top 50 Smart Women Leaders, CNN's 2021 top 75 motivational speakers worldwide and crowned as Mrs. Arizona 2020 and 2021.  Deborah lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and 4-legged lover boy, Bear.

EIC_PP_Logo_Final_2019This program has been submitted to the Events Industry Council (EIC) for CMP Preferred Provider review and has been approved for 1.25 credit hours. MPI St. Louis Area Chapter has been approved by the Events Industry Council as a Preferred Provider of the above-listed continuing education course, which qualifies for CMP continuing education credit. Determination of continuing education credit eligibility or Preferred Provider status does not imply EIC's endorsement or assessment of education quality.

hilton_frontenac_logoWith a touch of French influence from its surrounding locale, Hilton St. Louis Frontenac combines comfort, style and impeccable service for a truly memorable visit. Business and leisure guests alike will delight in the many restaurants, shops and attractions within easy reach.

Interested in Being a Monthly Program Sponsor?
Would you like additional exposure within the MPI St. Louis Area Chapter? Have your logo proudly displayed (in our registrations materials, via social media and at our meeting), and share a few words about your company to our membership at the podium. Contact Robert Brice for information about Monthly Program sponsorship opportunities at or (314) 719-9620.

Supplier Members have the option of sponsoring a table for $25. This is a great opportunity to capture the attention of your fellow tablemates (usually 5-6 people) and present collateral, giveaways or a brief overview of your organization. Feel free to ask attendees to join you at your table. Table Sponsors will be recognized at the event.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021
9:00 am Registration & Networking
9:30 am Breakfast
10:00 am Program

$40 Members
$65 Non-Members/Guests**
Students - Call MPI St. Louis at (314) 416-2234 for rate and to register.

**Meeting Attendance Policy: Per MPI Global all Essential Level Members or Non-Members will be limited to attending no more than two events in one fiscal year (July 1-June 30), and must pay the Essential Member/Non-Member Rate. MPI Preferred and Premier Level Members are welcome to attend all chapter events at the Member Rate. This policy is required for all MPI Chapters. Please click here to familiarize yourself with MPI's membership levels.

Venue Details

St. Louis Chapter - 45 Years

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