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Stop Human Trafficking

MPI HumanTrafficking

By: MPISTL | Nov 28, 2022

The holidays are a time when most people are in a generous spirit, but it can also be a dangerous time. Authorities are warning how those behind trafficking can use the spirit of the season to lure victims into modern day slavery.

With the season in full swing, it is important for us to be mindful of our surroundings and aware of signs related to human trafficking. YOUR eyes and ears can be trained to recognize and report human trafficking while you travel. 

BAATC (Bay Area anti-trafficking coalition) has observed this Move, Work, Sleep pattern in local trafficking cases, and have created a targeted approach to disrupt this cycle at three points that traffickers rely on daily. 

Take their training and become a Freedom Flyer in just 10-minutes. Share your thoughts with colleagues, family and friends around your home, your community, and online about the freedoms we enjoy on a daily basis. 

Let us all be mindful of those still enslaved around us— victims caught in a cycle of exploitation where they are made to move, work, and sleep daily without many freedoms. 

We all have a part to play in disrupting the cycle of human trafficking happening in the communities where we work and live. Remember, your efforts, your calls and tips reported can work to save lives and bring freedom. Share this training with your colleagues, friends and family.




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