Get the most out of your membership by getting involved in YOUR chapter by joining one of our dynamic teams.
Navigate below to read about our Committees, or click here to read our Board of Directors job descriptions.
For more information on our committees, please email
The CARES committee is all about our culture of giving in the PHL MPI Chapter. Each year the committee facilitates connecting our members with local non-profit organizations that are working to make a difference right here in our community. Join us and help expand our impact on the world around us!
CMP Study Group
CMP Study Group coordinates the study course programs held each fall and spring to prepare participants for the semi-annual CMP exam. The committee plans the schedule and organizes the site-selection and facilitators.
Connections Campaign
The committee is responsible for the promotion of the MPIPHL Connections Campaign,
which tracks and promotes member-to-member business interactions, as well as recognizes
members for their efforts to buy MPI.
Membership Recruitment
The membership Recruitment Committee focuses on the growth of our Chapter through the development of campaigns that identify and target prospective new members. The committee includes the Ambassador Club which is responsible for meeting and greeting attendees at all Chapter functions and providing a pre-meeting session for both non-members and new members to share Chapter information and benefits.
Membership Retention
The Membership Retention Committee provides ongoing communication with members to ensure Chapter programs and professional benefits are provided through our Chapter’s activities and projects. Committee also develops member recognition programs and drives efforts to increase member engagement and committee participation.
Student Affairs
Student Affairs Committee focuses on the extension of our Chapter membership into the community to students, academics teaching hospitality/meeting planning-related courses, and mid-career professionals to assist their understanding of and development within the industry.
Education Institute
Education Institute Committee coordinates the annual day-long education program and tradeshow held in the spring.
Monthly Programs
Monthly Programs Committee provides interesting and cutting-edge programs for monthly educational meetings, including guest speakers and activities designed for the professional development of our membership.
Roundtable Committee plans the topics and speakers for the roundtable sessions held prior to each monthly meeting.
Venue Procurement
Venue Procurement is responsible for securing venues for the chapter's programs and events.
Special Events
The Special Events Committee works in conjunction with Finance, Venue Procurement, Education, Leadership Development, and Marketing to plan the various activities and programs throughout the year that are not managed by Monthly Programs within Education. Special Events include our All Team meeting, the Holiday event, Fundraising activities, CARES Committee activities, etc. This committee is ideal for planners or even suppliers who are interested in stretching their creative energies, learning about stakeholder management, budget management, and event design.
Sponsorship and Advertising Group is responsible for consolidating all of the Chapter’s requests for Sponsorship, Partnerships, etc. into one comprehensive strategic business development plan so that we are able to raise more funds to benefit our members.
Leadership Development
Leadership Development Committee is responsible for the development of processes, procedures, tools, and programs to support the development of chapter leaders, effective succession planning, and the annual transition of volunteer duties. Programs include Committee Sign-Up Day and Leadership Day (or event).
Advocacy Committee is responsible for identifying (with the approval of the President/Board) and facilitating opportunities for the MPIPHL membership to become involved with government issues and educating the public.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Our Membership is strong when all voices and perspectives are heard. MPI PHL seeks to create a welcoming environment at all times and for all people regardless of color, race, identity or expression, age, physically challenged, etc.
Past Presidents' Advisory Council
Past Presidents’ Advisory Council is made up of past chapter presidents and they work on special chapter projects.
Nominating Committee will focus on soliciting and interviewing future board members and creating the slate for the following year.
The Awards Committee will focus on the yearly award criteria planning, voting, and distribution of our Chapter awards, as well as scholarship programs.