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Creating the Ultimate Hybrid Event Experience


By: Alicia Armento | Mar 4, 2022

As an AV provider, when I think about creating the ultimate hybrid event experience, I think about attending a Phillies game. Watching a game on television and attending a game in person are two different experiences, but both are engaging and enjoyable. It is important to create this type of atmosphere for our attendees and in order to do this, we have to look at a hybrid event as two separate events. As meeting planners, you have to prepare your schedule and content to capture the attention of both audiences. For example, when attendees are arriving to an event and finding their seats, they are bumping into colleagues and having conversation while energetic music is playing throughout the venue. As a virtual attendee, you are looking at a slide loop while you wait for the event to start, which at times can be boring. If we take it back to the sporting event, while fans are finding their seats and grabbing their snacks, there is usually some sort of sportscaster sharing facts, zooming in on a fun fan outfit, making predictions, etc., this is something that can be transferable to a live event and captivate your virtual audience so they feel more a part of the live event. Another way to create the ultimate hybrid experience is to find opportunities that allows you to include the virtual audience on stage. Advanced Staging Productions utilizes capabilities that allow us to bring the virtual attendees to screen for all of the live attendees to see/hear during Q/A and the virtual attendee actually feels like they are on stage talking with the presenters. With these capabilities, we also have the opportunity to create very engaging booths/exhibit halls so both virtual and live attendees can experience an intimate engagement with sponsors, etc. These are just a few ways to continue to elevate your hybrid event experiences for your attendees as we climb our way back to live events.



Alicia Armento
Account Manager at Advanced Staging Productions

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