Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Member Spotlight Janet Murphy-Stott

MS_ Janet Murphy Stott

By: MPINJ | Oct 24, 2022

Name: Janet Murphy-Stott
Occupation: Associate Manager, Strategic Events
Planner or Supplier: Planner
Current Employer: Terumo Medical Corporation
Member Since: 2021

How did you get your start in the industry?
A family friend submitted my resume, and the rest was up to me.

How many years have you been in the industry?
22 Years

What is your favorite thing about our industry?
My favorite part of the event planning industry is the ability to be amazingly creative and think outside the box. The overall meeting experience does not have to be “boiler plate” and uniform. There are many tools out there to raise the bar on meetings and how they are executed.

What is the best career advice you’ve received?
Never stop challenging yourself and if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life.

What is the most memorable event you have planned or client experience you have had?
My most memorable events have been our annual National Sales Meetings. The locations are always changing. Every event allows for more creativity in delivering quality content. There are many opportunities to create an engaging learning environment, infuse some fun and camaraderie amongst colleagues and provide an overall flawless experience.

If you were not in this industry, what would you be doing right now?
Quite honestly, I was a dental assistant prior to joining Terumo and I feel I would definitely be doing something in the healthcare field.

What is your favorite city to travel to and why?
Key West. My first trip to the Keys was with my current husband back in 2009 and we fell in love with the town, people and history. We have been back several times to celebrate birthdays and even honeymooned there in 2016!

What is your favorite book?
Fearless Leadership by Carey D. Lohrenz – She is the US Navy’s first female F-14 Tomcat Fighter Pilot

Which three words describe you best?
Determined, fun and loyal 

What do you love about MPI NJ?
I love the career-enhancing education that MPI provides to all its members.  I have taken advantage of many courses and received a couple very important certificates and credentials that have been vital to my current career path.




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