Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Member Spotlight Pam Wynne

MS_ Pam Wynee

By: MPINJ | Sep 17, 2021

Name:   Pam Wynne
Occupation:  Director of Training and Recruitment
Planner or Supplier:  Planner
Current Employer:   Ashfield Event Experiences
Member Since: 2001

How did you get your start in the industry? 
I started at Educational Testing Service right out of college as an Administrative Assistant. They came to me one day and said, “Hey we do these really large programs where we bring in about 10,000 professors and teachers to grade AP exams on 5 different college campuses.” (they didn’t call it meeting planning then)

How many years have you been in the industry?

What is your favorite thing about our industry?
It is constantly moving, changing, and innovative. There are different challenges all the time.

What is the best career advice you’ve received?
Always keep learning and reinventing yourself. Make great connections, always look for mutual benefits. Surround yourself with people different from yourself.

What is the most memorable event you have planned or client experience you have had?
I have had so many memorable trips due to the location, amenities, etc., but I think in regards to best client experience I would have to say my last incentive trip planned to Iceland. We had some challenges but working with the client side by side and the DMC to resolve the challenges. We were all aligned and the ONE TEAM approach was the most rewarding. The country was amazing! The food was great; the people were very personable and the beauty of the country was breath-taking.

If you were not in this industry, what would you be doing right now?
Hospitality is in my blood, all I love to do is feed and host people. A bed and breakfast owner or café owner come to mind…I think I would also make a good lottery winner!!

Where did you grow up?
Yardville, NJ (Mercer County)

What is your favorite city to travel to and why?
Barcelona – the people and their passion, the architecture, the food

What is your favorite book?
Anything John Grisham or that genre of legal thrillers…

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 3 items would you bring with you?
I’m too practical – a solar powered radio to listen to music, a toolbox with tools for survival, and a solar powered kindle loaded with tons of books.

If you could meet any historical figure, who would you choose and why?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg – I want to learn from her struggles.

If you woke up tomorrow as an animal, what animal would you choose to be and why?
Probably a loving, playful dog – carefree, goofy, and just wanting to love my owner and family.

If you could live anywhere on this planet and take everything that you love with you, where would you choose to live?
Somewhere warm near the ocean. Maybe Hawaii or the California coast.

Who would you like to be for a day?

If you could invite one famous or noted people (past or present) to dinner who would you choose?
I think Barbara Walters – I would love to hear her stories.

Which three words describe you best?
Loyal, hard-working, social

What is your all-time favorite movie?
I can’t name one – I love comedies. John Candy, Eddie Murphy, Steve Martin, Robin Williams…

Describe your perfect day off?
Out to breakfast, either a day at the beach snorkeling or visiting a zoo, art museum, dinner outside looking out on the ocean.

What do you love about MPI NJ?
I love the people who make up our chapter, the longevity of some members and the passion of the new members.  I think we have a very Jersey-strong attitude; I love our diversity and sense of community.  I love our resilience when we come together for a common goal.  No one does a golf tournament like MPI-NJ!




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