みなさん、こんにちは! MPIの新メンバーとしてご紹介いただき嬉しく思っています。私はカナダ出身ですが、1999年から九州に住んでいて、18年間にわたりサイエンスおよび製薬業界で会議やイベントを企画運営した経験があります。より多くの人々に私の大好きな町・福岡を訪れてほしいと願っていましたが、2020年に福岡観光コンベンションビューローで働き始めることができて嬉しかったです!プライベートでは、サッカーJリーグの「アビスパ福岡」と「糸島三都110キロウォーク」のような長距離ウォーキングが大好きです。
もう一つのイノベーションは、世界6大陸・18都市のコンベンションビューローの連携する国際ネットワーク「Hybrid City Alliance」に日本から初めて福岡市が加入しました。世界のハイブリッド会議をリードするハブ都市をネットワーク化し、主催者向けに無償でサービスを提供する新しい取り組みです。私たちは、いつでも世界からお客様をお迎えする準備ができています!
Jenn Fukuyama
Business Advisor
Fukuoka Convention and Visitors Bureau
Hello everyone! I am happy to be featured as a new member of MPI. I am originally from Canada but moved to Japan in 1999 and planned many meetings and events in the scientific and pharmaceutical industries. I was happy to start work at the Fukuoka Convention and Visitors Bureau in 2020, as I would love to bring lots of people to my favourite city! In my personal life I am a supporter of Avispa Fukuoka and I love long walks like the Itoshima 110km walk.
Fukuoka Convention and Visitors Bureau's new motto is "Where Hospitality and Innovation Meet" and I recently we have really worked hard to bring this into our work.
The COVID-19 Pandemic has shown that people really value experiences as well as sustainability. We put together an activity guide for MICE visitors to Fukuoka, and in the interest of sustainability it is only available online. We are planning to add some new activities focused on sustainability such as the kintsugi experience, where visitors can use traditional kinstugi techniques to make their own special souvenirs.
We also believe that the nature of meetings are changing, and that hybrid events are likely here to stay. The city introduced a hybrid subsidy in October 2020 that was renewed for this financial year. Not only does this subsidy help event organizers deal with the costs of a safe hybrid event, it also helped 27 venues improve their technology and other offerings for hybrid events. We have been able to support a number of hybrid events including a national scientific conference in December that had 600 onsite and 1900 online attendees.
Another innovation is that we were the first member of the Hybrid City Alliance which is a global organization of 18 convention bureaus on 6 continents that can streamline international hybrid events by holding them in hub cities around the world, and is free at the point of service. We are ready to welcome the world again!
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