業界団体として世界をリードする存在であり続けるひとつとして、会員ひとりひとりの活動があり、その中でも、より影響力のあるメンバーが "50 of the Most Influential Meeting Professionals"として選出されました。Japan Chapterからは名誉会長の山本牧子氏が選出されています。
MPI has been always next to me and a constant companion in my journey to build a career in the meeting and event industry in Japan. By being involved in the MPI community, I have gained the most important thing—trust—within the industry. I also gained knowledge and met people that are constantly inspiring. I would not be where I am today if I had not been a part of this incredibly valuable community. I encourage everyone to have a community outside of work for your next stage.
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