MPIセミナー『MICE x Sports 「スタジアム・アリーナは地域の起爆剤」』開催

MICE x Sports 「スタジアム・アリーナは地域の起爆剤」と題し、スポーツ庁が推進する「スタジアム・アリーナ改革」について理解を深め、MICEとの掛け算による相乗効果についてお話を伺いました。

MPI Japan Chapter 事務局より 「IDOBATA KAIGI #13」開催のご案内

身近な課題についてアイデアを持ち寄りワイワイ話し合う「IDOBATA KAIGI #13」を、10月2日(水)19:00から90分間の予定で開催いたします。

Overall Excellence Chapter Award







David Kliman

CMP, CMM, Honorary Counselor, 
Past Int'l MPI Chairman

Dear Members of MPI Japan,
As a former international Chairman of MPI and your Honorable Counselor to MPI Japan, I send my personal greetings and sincere wishes for success to each of you.

Meetings and events are a recognized component for many businesses success strategy. I urge you to look to MPI Japan to fulfill your educational and networking needs. I also invite you to attend MPI’s international events, a full calendar of events can be found at

MPI connects you to the global meetings and events community by providing world class education and networking opportunities.

Kind regards,

David Kliman, CMP, CMM
Honorary Counselor of MPI Japan Chapter
Past MPI International Chairman
The Kliman Group