Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Membership Team

Member Recruitment

Member Recruitment Co-Chairs: Alyssa Castille, alyssa.castille@gmail.com and Emily Wrinkle, ewrinkle@raybourn.com

Charge: The Member Recruitment committee is responsible for soliciting and engaging industry colleagues (including suppliers, planners and independents) into the benefits of becoming an active member of MPI.  They utilize the CRM to track and maintain potential prospects.
Composition: One year term. Member in Good Standing. Willing to give the time, energy, talents, and enthusiasm required of the position. Good Organization Skills. The committee generally meets once per month (mostly conference calls) and can expect to dedicate 2-5 hours of service each month.
-  Opportunity to get to know new members.
-  Ideal for Suppliers who have weekly sales call goals to make.

Reports to the Director of Recruitment


Member Retention

Member Retention Co-Chairs: Kelli Farrington, kmray912@gmail.com and Kaylin Dedinsky, kaylin.dedinsky@corteva.com

Charge: The Member Retention committee is responsible for following up with members regarding membership renewal and the overall benefits of continuing an MPI membership.  They are also responsible for helping with the new member orientation process and greeting and involving new members in networking and educational opportunities.  They track all these touchpoints with members in the CRM.
Composition: One year term.  Member in Good Standing.  Willing to give the time, energy, talents, and enthusiasm required of the position.  Good Organization Skills.  The committee generally meets once per month (mostly conference calls) and can expect to dedicate 2-3 hours of service each month.
- Opportunity to expand networks with existing members and new members.
- Ideal for newer members that want to expand their networks and meet new people within MPI.

- Retention – Outreach
The Retention Outreach committee is responsible for following up with members regarding membership renewal and the overall benefits of continuing an MPI membership.
- Retention – On-Boarding
The Retention On-Boarding individual is responsible for tracking and sending e-mail and phone introductions welcoming all new members to the chapter.  They are the first point of contact and will help facilitate connections of new members to the Leadership Development Team for committee opportunities as well as the Discover MPI contact to be included in the next orientation.  They will identify one new member per month to be highlighted in the Monday Minute newsletter. They serve as the back-up to the Discover MPI individual in case they are unable to lead a Discover MPI session.
- Retention – Discover MPI
The Retention Discover MPI individual is responsible for tracking and sending calendar invitations to new members inviting them to the next Discover MPI session.  They track members that attend and help facilitate follow up reminders with Leadership Development and Education for those interested in the CMP program.
Reports to the Director of Retention and Recognition


Emerging Leaders Ambassador


The Emerging Leaders ambassador position is responsible for engaging emerging leaders (those with less than 5 years of industry experience) in the chapter.  This individual will communicate upcoming chapter events and news to university contacts on a monthly basis, be a second new member on-boarding representative for emerging leaders and be the live event ambassador connecting these emerging leaders to senior members in person.  They will assist the Mentor/Mentee individual in identifying mentees and help to promote this program.
Time Commitment: 1 hour per month for communication and 4 Hours per Quarter for in-live event symposium or event participation

Reports to the VP of Membership


Member Recognition

Member Recognition Chair: Josie O'Donnell, josie@visitfortwayne.com

Charge: The Member Recognition committee is responsible for organizing the nomination process for the annual IMPRESS awards, including the CMP Recognition component along with monthly membership spotlights in the Monday Minute newsletter.
Composition: One year term.  Member in Good Standing.  Willing to give the time, energy, talents, and enthusiasm required of the position.  Good Organization Skills.  The committee generally meets once per month (mostly conference calls) and can expect to dedicate 2-3 hours of service each month.

- Help recognize fellow colleagues’ accomplishments.

- Recognition - IMPRESS Awards & CMP Recognition EventThe Recognition IMPRESS/CMP Awards individual is responsible for attending all meetings and collaborating with the IMPRESS Special Events team to ensure that focus is kept on the awards aspect of the event.  They are responsible for working with Communications to market and promote the awards process and provide the Special Events team with the award winners and CMP individuals so that the special events team may order the awards and recognize all through a printed program at the event.  This individual must work closely with CIC to obtain and update the current list of CMP’s and new CMP’s on record in the state of Indiana and the chapter.

- Recognition – Monthly NewsletterThe Recognition Monthly Newsletter individual is responsible for recognizing an existing member once a month via the newsletter for a new professional accomplishment or simply highlighting fun facts about each of our members. 
Reports to the Director of Retention and Recognition



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Library Instruction & Events Coordinator
Indiana University
Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Assistant General Manager, IU Event Services
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Bloomington, Indiana, United States
Assistant General Manager (Event Services Specialist), IU Event Services
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana, United States
Director of Sales and Events
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Jeffersonville, Indiana, United States
Events Manager and Department Services Coordinator (Project Management Specialist)
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana, United States