To MPI Indiana, with Love…

Erica Shonkweiler graphic TO_ With Love

By: Erica Shonkwiler, MBA, CMP | Jun 14, 2019

For the last year, I have had the honor and privilege of serving our MPI community as the Chapter President. At the end of the month, my Presidency ends, as does the chapter’s fiscal year. So, I am taking a moment to reflect and figure out what lies ahead.

A Look Back

I had no idea before my work on the Board how many amazing and truly talented people volunteer with the chapter every year. The cream of the crop of our local professional community is scattered across over a dozen committees. It is THEIR WORK that truly moves this chapter forward every year. Let me highlight some of their accomplishments and truly give credit where it is due:

  • DEEP evaluation and strategic redesign of our chapter event and education approach

  • Design thinking sessions

  • Another successful year of partnership in the Great Lakes Education Summit

  • Execution of 6 chapter education events with EIC approved CUs

  • Held membership growth in the positive after a big year of growth with WEC

  • Planned our first member appreciation event – so fun!

  • Revamped our Mentor/Mentee Program, which is now ready to launch

Special Events
  • Bar Louie networking event – highest attendance in years

  • IMPRESS Awards with record attendance and incredible décor/programming

  • Executed a philanthropic and fun holiday event with ILEA

  • Redesign of the Monday Minute

  • Development of our first official chapter video

  • Launch of our blog, tales from the trenches, and CMP question prep in weekly member communications

Leadership Development
  • Got 35% of our chapter engaged -97 VOLUNTEERS!

  • Developed new volunteer evaluation and recognition programs

Yeah. All of this right after coming off of an amazing WEC. This work was done in hours taken away from jobs, families, gyms, and friends. I’m proud of this team and so grateful to have been a part of it. All 97 of you – Thank You! I see you, I recognize the sacrifice, and I appreciate every ounce of your passion to serve.

A Look Forward for Me

Before serving, I paid my membership, went to a few chapter events, and did WEC. I valued MPI, but probably wouldn’t have said it was an irreplaceable or critical to my career. Since answering the call to serve, our chapter has become THE SOURCE of new ideas, friends, and solutions. When I’m in a challenge, my first calls are to MPI friends. The chapter has afforded me the opportunity to flex professional skills in leadership, education, marketing, finance… that have made me a more confident and capable professional. How would my career be different if I had said, “no thanks, I’m too busy”?

The focus of my last year of Board service will be to pay it forward and encouraging our future leaders – (I’m going to pour the Kool-Aid). Long-term, I will stay active on committees.  I know now that THIS is how I will continue to get ROI and find the next brilliant idea or friend. JOIN ME!

A Look Forward for the Chapter

Get ready, folks. I cannot believe the talent sitting on the Board and Committees for next year. They are innovative, creative, and passionate. The events, programs, and education topics already in the works are filled with new/unique content and exciting learning opportunities. The next year will bring with it:

  • 8 Education Events

  • CMP Boot Camp

  • Experiential Event with Beachbody

  • Great Lakes Education Summit in Traverse City, MI

  • Holiday Event with ILEA

  • Member Appreciation Event

  • IMPRESS Awards

Taking over as President is Kimberly Hoffman of Accent Indy, and I cannot wait to see where she leads us. She is strategic, analytical, a detailed perfectionist, and has the creativity of a true event ARTIST. Working with her has truly made me a better professional.   

It was a great year with nothing but excitement ahead. To the chapter, each member, and every one of you that shared a kind word of praise or encouragement this last year, thank you! It was such a special and rewarding experience. I truly got out so much more than I put in.

With love and a grateful heart,

Erica Shonkwiler



Erica Shonkwiler, MBA, CMP
Lecturer at IUPUI


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