Overall Excellence Chapter Award



CMP Spotlight: Kerri Begley

Kerri Begley

By: Hannah Richter | May 12, 2022

Name: Kerri Begley

Organization: Indiana Chamber of Commerce

Connect on LinkedIN: Kerri Begley 

What did you want to be when you grew up?

A stay at home mom to six children :) 

How did you get into the meeting industry?

When I was a senior in high school, I worked an exhibit booth for my dad’s company and was fascinated by the setup, people working the show and the organization of it all coming together. And that was it, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in the meetings industry in some way. While a student at IU, I worked at the Monroe County/Bloomington Visitors Center and I fell in love with the tourism side of the business. I am forever grateful to Debbie Locklear of Meeting Services Unlimited for hiring me as her intern and giving me the experience to see the planner side of the business. It is at MSU, that I met Jen Elkin, who has been my professional mentor and example of a rock star leader. So thankful she hired me to join her 26 years ago at the Indiana Chamber.

How did you hear about the CMP designation and what drew you to obtain the certification? 

My mentor and long time manager, Jen Elkin, was a CMP and encouraged me to get my certification.

How has earning the CMP designation impacted/benefited your career? 

When MPI held in person study groups lead by local industry experts, I not only made life long friends, but learned so much from each of them. The steps taken in preparing for the exam helped me get a full scope education for the meetings industry.

What advice would you give to someone considering the CMP and/or someone preparing to take the exam?

While the process for preparing for the exam may have changed, everyone in the industry benefits from the broad range of topics covered on the exam. When seeking a new employer or promotion, having the CMP designation proves your commitment to the industry, professionalism and broad industry knowledge. Just do it!




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Hannah Richter

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