So, we know about Juneteenth, but do we know its full history? I was “fuzzy” at best on its origins, and in truth and transparency, my family didn’t celebrate Juneteenth. That was something folks did in the south; certainly not up north, not in New York City. Perhaps you have a similar story?
Last year in New York State, Juneteenth was recognized by Governor Cuomo as a state holiday; and this year, on June 16th, Congress passed legislation designating Juneteenth a national holiday. With no surprise, President Biden signed the bill on June 17th, making Juneteenth an official federal holiday —the first since 1983 when Martin Luther King Jr. Day was signed into law. The signing comes just in time for June 19, 2021, the 156th anniversary of the day the last African American slaves were freed in Texas in the wake of the Civil War.
To honor this momentous occasion, enjoy Minnesota musician and actor T. Mychael Rambo as he explains in song followed by narrative, this milestone moment in time and how it is still commemorated and celebrated today. Juneteenth – Freedom at Last!
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