MPI-CAC 2025 Virtual Winter Education Program
January 23, 2025
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Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Join the MPI Chicago Board of Directors

Nominations for the 2025 MPI-CAC Board of Directors are no longer being accepted.  Please check back next spring to submit a nomination for the 2026 MPI-CAC Board of Directors.

Our 2025 Board of Directors will be announced in the coming months! Thank you to everyone who has applied!

Below you will find more information about all Board of Director positions.



Thank you for your interest in serving on the chapter board of directors. In addition to the specific duties outlined below, you will be expected to participate in various chapter and international activities. Please note Board members should anticipate attending and registering for Chapter educational and social events. The following have been identified to help you with your decision-making in seeking a board position.


Chapter events, programs, and board meetings – January 1 – December 31

Attendance at up to 12 board meetings; locations vary between city, suburbs and online via zoom

  • All transportation costs on your own; estimated total parking fees $200.00
  • Board members may only dial in to board meetings for a total of two meetings for the year.

Attendance at 2 mandatory Board Retreats: Spring (April/May) and Fall (September/October/November)

  • Travel expenses vary from $0 to $150 each dependent on location and shared rides
  • 2 days of meeting, 1 overnight

Attendance at (2) Leadership Days and Committee Meetings

  • Total estimated parking fees $75.00

Attendance at 12–15-chapter events and programs

  • Registration fees and parking fees vary, and you can anticipate a cost of $500.00 to $750.00.

Orientation to the board prior to official position start date of January 1

  • Attendance at chapter board meetings prior to the start of the fiscal year – September-December
  • New Board Member Orientation – September or October
  • Transition meetings with outgoing board member August - December

The Executive Committee consists of the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, and all Vice Presidents. You will be expected to attend the following meetings.

  • Executive Committee Meetings – 4-6 per year

President and President-Elect to attend these events; expenses may be paid by MPI-CAC.

  • MPI Chapter Business  Summit – usually  held virtually in the September. VP Education and VP of Membership also attend.
  • MPI World Education Congress (WEC) – Typically in May/June



Leadership Expectations


ManagementLeadership Skills/Competencies

·  Business planning: work with the board to create and execute a strategic business plan
·  Create goals and objectives for the board and committees
·  Advise and support the board of directors in executing initiatives
·  Assist in chapter budget development. Mediate discussions and create consensus within the board
·  Communicate with members regarding all international initiatives and objectives
·  Target future leaders within existing board, committees, and membership
·  Schedule transition time with President Elect, President, and Immediate Past President



·   Visionary
·   Facilitation
·   Collaboration
·   Delegation
·   Organization
·   Execution
·   Mentoring
·   Coaching/Teaching
·   Financial Awareness

·   Motivational
·   Conflict Resolution
·   Empowerment
·   Effective Communication
·   Innovation
·   Strategic Thinking
·   Knowledge of Governance
·   An Industry Advocate
·   Risk Management



  • Three (3) one year terms or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws

Time Commitment:

  • Regular attendance at monthly meetings, chapter activities & functions; Board & Executive Committee meetings; Board Retreats; Weekly Office of the President calls
  • Attendance at MPI Chapter Leader meetings held in conjunction with National MPI Conferences or stand-alone leadership training


  • Member in good standing with previous service as President-Elect
  • Knowledgeable of the activities and affairs of the chapter
  • Willing to give the time, energy, talents, and enthusiasm required of the position

 Specific Responsibilities:

  • Directly responsible for communicating with and supervising the chapter officers and directors to ensure that all assignments are completed according to the business plan, the chapter is financially sound, and membership is advised of all progress
  • Serve as chair of all meetings of both the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, serve as a member of the Finance Committee
  • Appoint all members of standing and special committees and relieve any inactive committee members with approval of the Board
  • Ensure adherence to Chapter Bylaws, Policies and Procedures
  • Support and enforce policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Prepare consent agenda for each board meeting and distribute prior to meeting
  • Serve as an ex-officio member on all committees except the Nominating Committee
  • Vote on issues brought before the Board of Directors only in the event of a tie
  • Act as official spokesperson of the chapter
  • Conduct new Board Member Orientation, Spring Board Retreat and Winter Board Retreat
  • Submit budget needs for the following fiscal year
  • Oversee performance of Chapter Administrator/Executive Director, including bi-weekly meetings and annual performance reviews
  • Serve as liaison between the Chapter and MPI Global
  • Performs any other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors
  • Participate in Awards Selection & Recognition

Reports to: President


  • Member in good standing with service, when possible, in a Board position
  • Prior experience on the MPI-CAC Board of Directors, with a minimum of one year of service
  • Knowledgeable of the activities and affairs of the chapter
  • Willing to give the time, energy, talents, and enthusiasm required of the position
  • Willing to commit to three years of service as President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Serve as direct support to the Chapter President
  • In the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President with the powers of and subject to all the restrictions upon the President
  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Finance Committee
  • Serve on the Nominating Committee to develop a slate of qualified board members for the following year
  • Ensure the chapter adheres to minimum chapter standards as prescribed by MPI Global
  • Act as coach, advisor and counselor to board members and committees
  • Attend monthly board meetings, chapter events and committee meetings
  • Submit agenda items, complete, submit and review committee reports in advance of Board of Directors meetings.
  • Report on the strategies, successes, and challenges of assigned committees to Board
  • Support and enforce policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  • Ensure promotion of community fundraising efforts
  • Oversee the development and implementation of the chapter’s 18-month calendar
  • Report on strategic alliances and community outreach to the Board of Directors
  • Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or the Board of Directors
  • Serve as a liaison to the MPI Foundation
  • Participate in Awards Selection & Recognition

Reports to: President


  • Member in good standing with previous service as President
  • Knowledgeable of the activities and affairs of the chapter
  • Willing to give the time, energy, talents, and enthusiasm required of the position

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors and Executive Committee
  • Chair the Nominating Committee, ensuring compliance with Chapter Bylaws, governance, and policy, providing an open nominations and elections process; and ensuring compliance with MPI elections calendar requirements
  • Advise, support, and enforce policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Act as support/mentor to President and President-Elect
  • Act as coach, advisor and counselor to board members and committees
  • Attend monthly board meetings, chapter events and committee meetings
  • Submit agenda items, complete, submit and review committee reports in advance of Board of Directors meetings.
  • Responsible for ensuring the fiscal responsibility of the committee(s) to which position is assigned
  • Assemble materials necessary for MPI Award applications and ensure timely entry of complete application form and support materials
  • Chair Chapter's Past Presidents Council to provide for continued involvement of past presidents to support the business plan of the chapter
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  • Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or Board of Directors
  • Participate in Awards Selection & Recognition



Reports to: President

Leadership Expectations

ManagementLeadership Skills/Competencies
·  Business planning: work with the board to create and execute a 3- Year Business plan and Annual Business Plan
·  Advise, support, and develop board of directors in executing initiatives
·  Assist in chapter budget development
·  Target future leaders within existing board, committees, and membership
·  Schedule transition time with incoming VP’s

·   Visionary
·   Facilitation
·   Collaboration
·   Delegation
·   Organization
·   Execution
·   Mentoring
·   Coaching/Teaching
·   Financial Awareness
·   Motivational

·   Empowerment
·   Conflict Resolution
·   Effective Communication
·   Innovation
·   Strategic Thinking
·   Industry Advocate
·   HR Skills
·   Adaptability
·   Public Speaker
·   Advance Industry Certification/ Education



  • One year or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws


  • Member in good standing
  • Previous service (when possible) on Board of Directors for a minimum of a year
  • Willing to give the time, energy, talents, and enthusiasm required of the position

General Responsibilities:

  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors and Executive Committee
  • Act as mentor, coach, advisor, and counselor to assigned committees
  • Submit agenda items, complete, submit and review committee reports in advance of Board of Directors meetings report on the strategies, successes, and challenges of assigned committees to Board of Directors
  • Advise, support, and enforce policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Ensure the fiscal responsibility of the committee(s) to which position is assigned
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  • Assist in volunteer recruitment of the committee(s) to which position is assigned
  • Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or Board

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Lead and manage Director of Partnership Development 
  • Manage and direct chapter budget development and fiscal planning
  • Manage and Supervise Chapter Sponsorship (partnership development) efforts
  • Manage and supervise chapter financial efforts, in conjunction with Chapter Manager and Director of Partnership Development:
    • Sponsorship – cash and in-kind
    • Strategic Partnerships with respect to sponsorships, marketing partnerships
  • Consult with Financial advisor quarterly on any needed changes to preserve investments
  • Review and oversee proper accounting procedure for the receipt and handling of funds, maintenance of financial records, and paying all authorized invoices
  • Ensure safekeeping of chapter funds in such banks, trust companies, and/or investments as approved by the Board of Directors
  • Prepare annual operating budget and ensure compliance once approved by the Board
  • Ensure chapter is incorporated according to chapter minimum bylaws
  • Comply with all governmental tax regulations and file chapter tax reports as required
  • Ensure chapter complies with MPI annual audit process
  • Review monthly and present up-to-date financial statements at each Board of Directors meeting
  • Research current funding, partnership and investment trends and topics pertinent to the chapter and report findings to Board of Directors
  • Approves and authorizes all check requests for Chapter expenses by reviewing A/P reports and detailed information from MPI Chicago Area Chapter Headquarters on a regular basis

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Lead and manage Director of Membership
  • Oversee monthly membership figures
  • Assist and in chapter budget development
  • Target future leaders within existing board, committees, and membership
  • Manage and supervise chapter membership plan, campaigns, and overall efforts to increase MPI-CAC membership through:
    • Recruitment – member recruitment, new member orientation, and chapter membership campaign
    • Member Care – member retention, engagement, and hospitality
    • Leadership Development & Engagement – leadership day, committee recruitment, leadership pipeline and development.
    • Membership Grants
  • Act as liaison between the Chapter and MPI Global Membership Team to manage the ongoing initiatives of MPI Global as it relates to the Chicago Area Chapter Membership, and ongoing membership recruitment and retention process
  • Communicate strategic issues relating to membership to Board of Directors
  • Research current membership trends and topics pertinent to the meetings industry and report findings to Board of Directors
  • Manage Board Service Calls
  • Ensure Membership Anniversary Recognition is implemented successfully
  • Manage Grants Program
    • Manage and facilitate chapter program to provide educational and membership grants
    • Ensure promotion of grant program to chapter members
    • Review all applications and make recommendation on grant recipient(s)
    • Submit articles for newsletter and website promoting grant recipients(s)
  • Approve all Membership related expenses and forward appropriate paperwork to the VP of Finance
  • Oversee the development of a strategic leadership pipeline to ensure an ongoing pool of qualified and successful leaders to serve in future positions within Chapter Leadership
  • Assist VP of Finance in the strategy and development of next year’s fiscal budget

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Lead and manage Director of Education Content, Director of Signature Luncheon & Programs, and Director of Industry Exchange & Programs
  • Manage and supervise chapter educational efforts, including the development of a Chapter Education Plan
  • Oversee all annual education needs assessment initiatives and oversee any education related research projects
  • Support and supervise the Education Committee and Education Content Committee
  • Lead, manage, and direct the Chapter’s Education Plan in accordance with chapter strategies and MPI standards including registration, site selection and logistics for the Chapter’s education programs and events
  • Manage and supervise committee members from partnering organizations to plan and execute Industry Xchange
  • Approve all Education related expenses and forward appropriate paperwork to the VP of Finance
  • ·       Work with the Partnership Development committee to ensure each event achieves their cash sponsorship goals
  • Assist VP of Finance in the strategy and development of next year’s fiscal budget

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Lead and manage Director of Marketing & Public Relations
  • Lead, manage, and direct Chapter’s marketing, communications, and public relations plans and policies
  • Oversee the marketing, publications, public relations, advertising, and community outreach efforts of the chapter, including
    • Marketing and Publications – MPI-CAC website, eNewsletter
    • Public Relations - media relations, social media outlets
    • Community Outreach - philanthropic activities
  • Ensure chapter programs, activities, and accomplishments are highlighted at both the local Chapter and MPI Global levels
  • Communicate strategic issues relating to communications/technology to Board of Directors
  • Oversee and research current communications/technology trends and topics pertinent to the meetings industry and report findings to Board of Directors
  • Ensure chapter complies with MPI branding guidelines and requirements
  • Approve all Communication related expenses and forward appropriate paperwork to the VP of Finance
  • Assist VP of Finance in the strategy and development of next year’s fiscal budget

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Lead and manage Directors of Special Events and Director of Golf Classic.
  • Assist with the recruit of new committee members for the Special Event Committee, Golf Classic Committee and Annual Awards Committee
  • Responsible for ensuring the fiscal responsibility of the events to which position is assigned
  • Work with appropriate committees to develop and/or manage special events programs
  • Develop strategies to establish partnerships with like-minded organizations to help promote MPI-CAC events
  • Monitor and stay up to date on meetings industry trends to discover best practices in special events by other organizations and associations
  • Approve all Special Event related expenses and forward appropriate paperwork to the VP of Finance
  • Work with the Partnership Development committee to ensure each event achieves their cash sponsorship goals
  • Assist the VP of Finance in the strategy and development of next year’s fiscal budget for the events which the position is assigned

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Lead and manage Director of Leadership Development & Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (IDEA)
  • Manage and supervise chapter Leadership Development & Engagement and IDEA initiatives
  • Manage the development of a strategic leadership pipeline to ensure an ongoing pool of qualified and successful leaders to serve in future positions within Chapter Leadership
  • Oversee all activities of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee (DEI)
  • Communicate with the Executive Committee and Board of Directors as to the progress of the DEI initiatives based on committee meetings and monthly reports that are submitted by the Co-Chair of DEI
  • Lead the development and implementation of proactive diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in support of the Chapter’s business/business plan
  • Provide education and facilitate conversation among the board and committee around DEI learnings while bringing clarity to the current goals, mission, and principles
  • Assist the VP of Finance in the strategy and development of next year’s fiscal budget for the events which the position is assigned



Leadership Attributes

ManagementLeadership Skills/Competencies
·  Create objectives to support the chapter’s Strategic and Business plan
·  On-Board and Educate committee chairs with processes, procedures, and tools to achieve committee objectives
·  Assist in annual budget development
·  Target incoming director from committees who report to you
·  Schedule transition time with incoming Director

·  Visionary
·  Facilitation
·  Collaboration
·  Delegation
·  Organization
·  Execution
·  Mentoring
·  Coaching/Teaching

·   Financial Awareness
·   Motivational
·   Conflict Resolution
·   Empowerment
·   Effective Communication
·   Innovation
·   Strategic Thinking


  • One year or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws


  • Member in good standing
  • Previous service (when possible) as Committee Co-Chair for a minimum of a year
  • Willing to give the time, energy, talents, and enthusiasm required of the position

General Responsibilities:

  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors
  • Act as coach, advisor, and counselor to assigned committees
  • Submit agenda items and review committee reports in advance of Board of Directors meetings.
  • Report on the strategies, successes, and challenges of assigned committees to Board of Directors
  • Identify, recruit and train Committee Chair for assigned committees
  • Ensure the fiscal responsibility of the committee(s) to which position is assigned to ensure goals are achieved
  • Advise, support, and enforce policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  • Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or Board of Directors
  • Ensure board reports, agendas, minutes, and committee roster are updated in a timely manner

Time Commitment:

  • Regular attendance at monthly committee meetings, chapter activities & functions; Board Meetings; Board Retreats

Reports to: VP of Finance

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Direct, manage and oversee all cash and in-kind sponsorship efforts on behalf of the Chapter
  • Direct Manage and oversee the partnership development committee
  • Act as a direct liaison with major sponsors ($20,000 or greater in cash or in-kind contributions) by serving as Chapter Ambassador to those sponsors ensuring all sponsor benefits are fulfilled as agreed upon
  • Oversee and manage Chapter Sponsorship programs inclusive of conference hosting:
    • Oversee the committee’s solicitation of cash contributions
    • Assist committees with RFP process for all events, conferences, and Chapter functions
    • Assist committees with site selection for all events, conferences, and Chapter functions
    • Review contracts and corresponding sponsorship agreements to prepare for President’s execution
    • Assist committees as necessary with silent auction donations and relevant online tools

Reports to: VP of Communications

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Serve as a liaison to the other Board members to ensure the timely and effective promotion of chapter activities
  • Direct Manage and oversee the marketing committee and social media marketing calendar
  • Oversee the Chapter’s Social Media policy and procedures, and monitor all social media platforms routinely throughout the year
  • Develop content and manage timely updates to the Chapter’s website to ensure the site remains fresh and informative
  • Perform annual review of chapter website to ensure its efficiency as a primary chapter communications device
  • Promote chapter website and social media accounts to members
  • Oversee and manage the creation and distribution of the chapter’s monthly E-newsletter  

Reports to: VP of Membership

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Direct Manage and oversee the membership committee
  • Establish membership goals for the year, based on the Business plan and MPI Metric Goals
  • Develop and maintain an active and ongoing campaign for membership initiatives, inclusive of various segments of professional and student membership, and membership engagement/retention
  • Welcome new members and guests to Chapter events and oversee post-event follow up for recruitment efforts
  • Oversee the Membership and Education Grant application and selection process
  • Oversee all membership retention efforts including membership personalized communications and membership appreciation initiatives
  • Submit articles to newsletter and website in support of recruitment and retention activities promoting membership benefits and perks, including local and international initiatives
  • Respond to member inquiries about joining MPI and refer to Chapter Manager as needed
  • Be aware of all Membership reporting available from MPI Global and MPI Chicago Area Chapter Headquarters. Regularly report to the Board of Directors and Committee Members regarding the chapter ‘s Membership statistics, progress and opportunities
  • Pull New Member lists and Renewing Member lists for Committee Chairs from MPI Global Website/CLRP
  • Oversee the development and execution of programing that encourages new members to become active within Chapter Committees
  • Attend and oversee the promotion and logistics of New Member Mixers

Reports to: VP of Education

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Contribute to the development of relevant content of Education Programing
  • Be a thought leader as it pertains to Education programing content and initiatives
  • Liaise with Director Industry Exchange & Programs and Director of Signature Luncheon & Programs to ensure execution of the Chapter’s Education Plan
  • Ensure the chapters educational content is in line with the Chapter’s Education Plan for both MPI-CAC and MPI Global
  • Oversee selection and confirmation of speakers. Work with the Director Industry Exchange & Programs and Director of Signature Luncheon & Programs on speaker logistics and arrangements. 
  • Oversee the development and summary of attendee evaluations; report summarized information to Board of Directors and MPI Global in collaboration with the Directors of Education Programs and Education Event
  • Manage the process for providing CEUs at the conference
  • Monitor association and industry trends to discover best practices/ speaker trends in special events by other organizations
  • Continuously develop an 18–24-month education content plan

Reports to: VP of Education


Specific Responsibilities:

  • In conjunction with assigned committees, manage the RFP development for assigned educational events
  • Perform site selection for assigned educational programs and events in collaboration with VP/ co-chairs and partnership development committee
  • Oversee the coordination of all logistics for educational programs, including menu selection, audiovisual needs, room setup requirements, registration, and speaker arrangements
  • Oversee the execution and completion of the event(s) master sheet
  • Submit content and essential details to MPI Chicago Area Chapter Headquarters to facilitate the opening and processing of registration and other related materials in a timely fashion
  • Oversee the development and summary of attendee evaluations; report summarized information to Board of Directors & Global in collaboration with the Director of Education Content
  • Consult with all committees with facilitating the production of their events
  • Oversee the coordination of all marketing and communications for the assigned educational events
  • Work with Partnership Development to ensure each event achieves their cash sponsorship goals
  • Assist in the strategy and development of next year’s fiscal budget

Reports to: VP of Education


Specific Responsibilities:

  • In conjunction with assigned committees, manage the RFP development for assigned educational events
  • Perform site selection for assigned educational programs and events in collaboration with VP/ co-chairs and partnership development committee
  • Organize a committee of volunteers from partner organizations to consult on content for Industry Xchange
  • Oversee the coordination of logistics for assigned educational programs, including menu selection, audiovisual needs, room setup requirements, registration, and speaker arrangements
  • Oversee the execution and completion of the event(s) master sheet
  • Submit content and essential details (following review of the budget and rate card) to MPI Chicago Area Chapter Headquarters to facilitate the opening and processing of registration and other related materials in a timely  fashion
  • Oversee the development and summary of attendee evaluations; report summarized information to Board of Directors & International in collaboration with the Director of Education content
  • Consult with all committees with facilitating the production of their events
  • Oversee the coordination of all marketing and communications for the assigned educational events
  • Work with Partnership Development to ensure each event achieves their cash sponsorship goals
  • Assist in the strategy and development of next year’s fiscal budget

Reports to: VP of Special Events

Specific Responsibilities:

Annual Rotation Special Event

  • Develop strategies to establish a rotating special networking event
  • Monitor association and meetings industry trends to discover best practices in special events by other organizations
  • Promotion of fundraising efforts that will be running within special events, such as silent auctions, and raffles
  • Report on special event strategies to the Board of Directors
  • In conjunction with PDC, manage the RFP development for special event sponsorship, venues, vendors, etc.
  • Perform site selection for assigned events in collaboration with VP/ co-chairs and partnership development committee
  • Oversee the coordination of logistics for assigned events, including menu selection, audiovisual needs, room setup requirements, registration, and speaker arrangements
  • Ensure promotion of the event to the chapter members by submitting marketing content
  • Oversee the execution and completion of the event(s) master sheet
  • Oversee the Chapter Manager’s registration process for the event
  • Oversee the development and summary of attendee evaluations & report summarized information to Board of Directors
  • Work with Partnership Development to ensure each event achieves their cash sponsorship goals
  • Assist in the strategy and development of next year’s fiscal budget
  • Collaborate with other committees, when possible, to enhance and promote all chapter events

Annual Awards & Recognition

  • Develop strategies to establish special events, such as holiday or other special networking events
  • Monitor association and meetings industry trends to discover best practices in special events by other organizations
  • Promotion of fundraising efforts that will be running within special events, such as silent auctions, and raffles
  • Report on special event strategies to the Board of Director
  • In conjunction with PDC, manage the RFP development for special event sponsorship, venues, vendors, etc.
  • Perform site selection for assigned events in collaboration with VP/ co-chairs and partnership development committee
  • Manage and facilitate the Awards Recognition Gala to show appreciation for, and recognition of, the outstanding achievements of individual chapter members and industry leaders
  • Promotion of the event to chapter members by submitting marketing content
  • Oversee the coordination of all logistics for the event, including menu selection, developing a theme for the event, audiovisual needs, room setup requirements, script for the event and entertainment
  • Oversee the execution and completion of the event(s) master sheet
  • Oversee the Chapter Manager’s registration process for the event
  • Oversee the development and summary of attendee evaluations; report summarized information to Board of Directors
  • Assist the committee with facilitating the production of the event
  • Work with Partnership Development to ensure each event achieves their cash sponsorship goals
  • Assist in the strategy and development of next year’s fiscal budget

Reports to: VP of Special Events

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Monitor association and meetings industry trends to discover best practices in special events by other organizations
  • Promotion of fundraising efforts that will be running within special events, such as silent auctions, and raffles
  • Work with appropriate committee to develop and/or manage special events programs
  • In conjunction with PDC, manage the RFP development for special event sponsorship, venues, vendors, etc.
  • Perform site selection for assigned events in collaboration with VP/ co-chairs and partnership development committee
  • Oversee the coordination of logistics for assigned events, including menu selection, audiovisual needs, room setup requirements, registration, and speaker arrangements
  • Ensure the promotion of the event to the chapter members by submitting marketing content
  • Oversee the execution and completion of the event(s) master sheet
  • Oversee the Chapter Manager’s registration process for the event
  • Oversee the development and summary of attendee evaluations & report summarized information to Board of Directors
  • Work with Partnership Development to ensure each event achieves their cash sponsorship goals
  • Assist in the strategy and development of next year’s fiscal budget
Collaborate with other committees, when possible, to enhance and promote all chapter events

Reports to: VP Leadership Development

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Identify the gaps in underrepresented groups and bring awareness to the MPI-CAC community
  • Set the strategy, goals, and provides guidance for key initiatives to the committee
  • Drive the mission and vision of DEI within the chapter and meetings community
  • Identify the gaps in underrepresented groups and bring awareness to the MPI-CAC community
  • Supervise committee and recommend training initiatives on topics designed to increase awareness
  • Serve as the central resource for MPI-CAC leadership, members and staff on issues related to DEI
  • Collaborate with VP of Finance and Executive Committee on chapter budget matters
  • Be an active community liaison within the Chicagoland area, uplifting underserved communities and under-represented groups
  • Keep committee master sheets up to date
  • Oversee the process for on-boarding new members to assist in the development and execution of initiatives that get new members engaged within Chapter Committees
  • Manage the ongoing training and development of Chapter Leaders through creation and development of leadership events, training initiatives and support mechanisms within the Chapter for future leaders
  • Recognize and celebrate the accomplishments and efforts of volunteers with Spotlight Awards
  • Manage and facilitate chapter program in appreciation for and recognition of the outstanding achievements of individual chapter members
    • Ensure promotion of awards program to chapter members
    • Review all nominations and make recommendations on award recipient(s)
    • Submit articles for newsletter and website promoting award recipients(s)

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