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Part 1: Communication in a digital age: a quick guide for old timers

By: Mary Sprow, Top Golf | Oct 1, 2019

communicationIn a land very long ago, we communicated without the internet. Even longer ago, we communicated without phones, faxes and had to speak face to face or put pen to paper, writing a letter (usually in cursive). If you were an aristocrat, you could have your courier or homing pigeon send a message to your intended audience. Today, we have all sorts of choices in communication: phone, email, text, Facebook, LinkedIn and video conferencing, to name just a few.

I can’t tell you how many times that I speak with someone my age (let’s just say over 40) who says, “I don’t do social media” or “I don’t think we need a website or Facebook page.” OK, I guess, but you’re missing the boat on some great communication opportunities.

Just like fashion, communication has evolved. If you’re still fuzzy on how to communicate digitally, take a look at some facts: Millennials (born 1981-1996) have overtaken Baby Boomers as America’s largest generation, with a predicted 81 million millennials in 2036, according to Pew Research Center. As millennials dominate the workforce, we need to have a communication makeover. Regardless of when you were born, we have to adapt to digital age communication preferences in order to remain relevant.

We’re seeing the increase of less formal, more engaging communication between coworkers with platforms like Workplace by Facebook, Slack or Yammer. These apps are changing the way organizations communicate internally for several reasons:
• Instant messaging apps support quick communication and enables associates to reach out to each other without having the other’s contact information.

• These apps help us stay connected at the office or on-the-go with mobile devices.

• They enable company-wide communication, by department, focus group or specific interest groups.

• Businesses can manage activity, monitor workplace activity and maximize performance

For some suggestions and tips on how to help you manage your effective digital communication makeover, check out Part 2 of this series in our Oct. 16 C&C newsletter.

About the Author: During the past eight years, Mary has been the Director of Sales for Topgolf Wood Dale, Naperville and now Topgolf Schaumburg. She brings more than 20 years of hospitality experience and sales coaching to the Topgolf sales teams. A featured writer for the Daily Herald Business Ledger and, Mary enjoys teaching, training and connecting people with their needed resources. Mary is also the proud parent of two millennial young men.



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Mary Sprow, Top Golf
Topgolf Naperville

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