August Chapter Meeting
August 22, 2024 - August 23, 2024
Myrtle Beach, SC
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July 2019 Meeting

July 18, 2019 - July 19, 2019
4:00 PM - 12:00 PM
North Charleston Marriott
4770 Goer Drive
North Charleston, SC
United States
MPI Carolinas

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Thursday, July 18th





Board of Directors Meeting




3:30pm-4pm Committee Meeting: Membership Compass B


New Member / First Timer Mixer

Compass A


Education Session: "Band-Aids to Bad Guys" 
 CMP_PP Program Logo

Compass CD


Welcome Reception


Friday, July 19th








Chapter Announcements begin at 8:30

Compass CD


Education Session: "Don't Overlook the Obvious:     Safety & Site Selection"
CMP_PP Program Logo

Compass CD


Morning Break

10:30am-11:30am    Education Session: "Don't be a Hero. Just be Ready"
CMP_PP Program Logo
Compass CD             


CMP Exam Information Session

Compass A


Thursday, July 18th (4:45pm - 5:45pm) in Compass CD

Band-Aids to Bad Guys

Acts of violence against large gatherings of people are becoming more commonplace and the count is growing. These acts of hostility seem to happen more often and in more vulnerable places, especially where people gather. It’s not a matter of if it’ll happen to your group, but when. 

We can’t prevent all security risks, but we can mitigate many things and learn how to react when safety is an issue. What are you doing to make your conferences and meeting safer and more secure? Are you doing it the right way? 

This session is an overview of safety and security and asks the questions that you, as a planner, will want to answer as you prepare to help keep your attendees safer. From Band-Aids to Bad Guys, get an idea of the scope of planning it takes and why a safety mindset from the minute you begin to plan your event is invaluable.

Learner Outcomes
• Apply a downline overview of safety
• Educate & engage staff and coworkers
• Develop input you need from stakeholders

CMP_PP Program LogoThe use of the CMP Preferred Provider Pre-Check logo is not an endorsement by the Events Industry Council of the quality of the session. This logo means that this session has met the criteria to be pre-approved for CMP certification credit.

Friday, July 19th (9am - 10am) in Compass CD

Don't Overlook the Obvious: Safety & Site Selection

With acts of violence in the news so often, you’re probably thinking of ways to keep your meeting and your attendees safe. But are you overlooking a key element? What about the venue? Is it a help or a hindrance? There are ways the venue can help in your safety plan to keep you, your staff, your stakeholders and your attendees safer. This session offers points and takeaways on how to conduct a site visit from a safety and security perspective. Venues are easy to overlook. Make sure you don’t forget to include them.

Learner Outcomes
• Discover unknown safety concerns
• Interpret how venues can influence safety
• Make use of site visit checklists

CMP_PP Program LogoThe use of the CMP Preferred Provider Pre-Check logo is not an endorsement by the Events Industry Council of the quality of the session. This logo means that this session has met the criteria to be pre-approved for CMP certification credit.

Friday, July 19th (10:30am - 11:30am) in Compass CD

Don't be a Hero. Just be Ready.

Event safety can be an overwhelming and daunting task. However, all you need to do is start with one thing. This session looks at how to begin the process of writing an Emergency Response Plan (ERP). Using guidelines and polices from federal agencies, see how to do a threat assessment and begin preparing for those threats and walk away with the genesis of your own plan.

Learner Outcomes
• Identify federal emergency guidelines
• Examine a risk assessment illustration
• Formulate the first step of your own plan

CMP_PP Program LogoThe use of the CMP Preferred Provider Pre-Check logo is not an endorsement by the Events Industry Council of the quality of the session. This logo means that this session has met the criteria to be pre-approved for CMP certification credit.

About the Speaker

Alan Kleinfeld, MTA, CMM, CMP, LEO
Director, Emergency Planning - Arrive Conference Solutions

Alan Kleinfeld, MTA, CMM, CMP, LEO, has over 25 years in meeting management combined with over 15 years in public safety, much of it done simultaneously. He’s a seasoned speaker, writer and educator and his safety topics have included site selection, safety overview, emergency operations and event safety. He’s also covered meeting planning basics, sponsorships, budgets, business management, and a variety of other topics. His current focus is helping planners conduct site visits from a safety perspective as well as assisting in the development emergency response plans.  

Room Block

The room block at the North Charleston Marriott is closed.

An overflow room block is being held at the Crowne Plaza Charleston Airport Convention Center with a room rate of $149 a night, which includes breakfast. Use the July MPI-CC Booking Link to book your room online. 


Late Rate Incurred after July 8th. No refunds given after July 12th.

Full Meeting Registration           Late Rate
Member $90 $105
Non-Member $125             $140


Education Only Registration     Late Rate
Member $75               $90
Non-Member $95 $110


Reception Only Registration     Late Rate
Member $65               $80
Non-Member $85 $100


Other Registration Late Rate
Student $60              $75
Spouse / Non-Industry Guest       $80 $95

Vendor Table Add On
Member $225
Non-Member                                $275

Venue Details

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