August Chapter Meeting
August 22, 2024 - August 23, 2024
Myrtle Beach, SC
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Top Performing Chapter Award



Reunite . Stronger . Together


By: Amelia Hodges CMP, CMM | Jul 15, 2020

Hi MPI-CC friends,

July is here and I can’t believe I am writing my first message as your President. Wow, what a year this has been. 

I wanted to take this opportunity to say a thank you to all our members that volunteer, attend meetings and just represent our meeting industry. Without your commitment to our chapter, the events we provide would not be possible. To our partners and sponsors, words cannot express how grateful we are to have your support. These are hard times in our current environment, and I am humbled at your willingness to step up and assist our chapter. To our amazing Board of Directors and Management Office thank you all for your hard work and dedication to this organization. Please look forward to receiving check-in’s from the Membership Team, virtual networking events, and opportunities to engage in best practice sharing as we navigate this new normal together. We are consistently challenged with what we do, and I am proud to be part of a group that works tirelessly to make it happen. While we are all at a place of rapid change, I hope that you take time to disconnect, go for a walk, craft, gardening, or whatever brings you a sense of peace and self-care. Let’s all show compassion to others, and to ourselves, and take time to simply breathe and focus on our personal well-being. I miss you all and hope to see everyone again in person, when it’s safe to do so. In the meantime, sending you all positive vibes and virtual hugs!

Be well, and I look forward to reuniting with you again in person stronger together!

MPI-CC President 



Amelia Hodges
Amelia Hodges CMP, CMM

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