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February 6, 2025 - February 7, 2025
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New Year - New Engagements


By: Nicole Keshler | Feb 3, 2020

HAPPY NEW YEAR, MPI-CC friends! I cannot believe the new year has begun.
A new year often brings new goals. Sure, we all may want to be healthier, or more fit, or debt free, but I have a better idea! This year set a goal for yourself to attend all the MPI-CC meetings you can. Make it a priority to engage more this year. Being present and building those relationships will lead to guaranteed success. People buy from people they know and trust, but how can that happen if you don’t show up and put in the work too?
We’ve told you that your board really wants to shake things up and bring you more value but here’s the thing: we can’t do that without you. We need to see you at our meetings! We need your input and your participation. Being together allows us time to grow our relationships with each other and at the end of the day relationship building is what we do. Gone are the days of cold calling and boring supplier/planner relationships. To be honest, I have earned just as much business from my supplier MPI friends as I have planner ones. Why? Because MPI-CC has allowed me the opportunity to grow and foster those relationships.

So, what is success to you? Give me a call or shoot me an email. I want to learn more about you and work together on ways MPI-CC can bring you more value and future success. I hope to see you soon!

Here’s to 2020! Happy New Year, friends.


Nicole Keshler
Nicole Keshler
MPI-CC President at Greater Raleigh CVB

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