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Engage | Evolve | Inspire

Engage Evolve Inspire Logo

By: Nicole Keshler | Jul 1, 2019

Three simple words with so much meaning. 

MPI-CC friends: Let’s shake things up this new year! Your board is ready to go to work for you, the members. We all put our heads together and decided this would be the year.

The year we break down barriers.

The year we challenge ourselves and each other.

The year we ENGAGE, EVOLVE, and INSPIRE the current and future members of the Carolinas Chapter.

Change isn’t always easy and while we do many things very well in our chapter there are other things we want to continue to evolve. This means we need you! Have you often thought “Hmm, I wonder why they booked this speaker?” OR “Why is our meeting in this city?” Well, come join us! ENGAGE and volunteer. Be an active member of a committee. This will help you understand more of our process but also give you the chance to evoke real change and help us continue to progress. To EVOLVE.

In doing this we hope to INSPIRE you. Inspire you to become a better supplier or planner, a better partner and friend. To be a better version of yourself so we can continue to elevate our great industry.

It’s as simple as those three words for the 2019-2020 year. Join us as we ENGAGE, EVOLVE, and INSPIRE!

Nicole Keshler
MPI-CC President

Published in the August-September Blitz Magazine



Nicole Keshler
Nicole Keshler
MPI-CC President at Greater Raleigh CVB

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