Ruud Janssen

Event Design Collective GmbH

Switzerland-based Ruud Janssen, CMM, DES (1970) is driven to help teams in NGO’s, membership based organisations and corporations discover how to design better events to create change that matters. As a globe-trotting innovator, he is a trusted trainer and advisor to inspired clients like the International Olympic Committee, UN and Internet Society. He believes in delivering innovation by thinking differently based on functional, social and technological advancements using business and event model innovation. Together with Roel Frissen he created the #EventCanvas and is the co-founder of EventCanvas.org Foundation and Event Model Generation -the event design consulting & training firm.

Presenting on the following days:

Tuesday, June 5 | 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
#WEC22 Prototype & Visual Debrief by all contributors + MPI Design Team + EDCo team

Monday, June 4 | 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
The Making of #WEC18 - Event Design doing by team MPI