WEBINAR: The Top 10 Crisis Sales Skills

Aug 12, 2020
Ciara Feely
Phone: 01212274838

If you want to grow your revenue, get back to booking business and up-skill in pro-active sales skills, MPI have an answer for you. What sales activities you or your team are focusing on today will determine the future health of your company or your reputation in the industry.  

MPI commissioned Ciara Feely, creator of the Steps to WIN Sales Skill Programme (and our chapter's Director of Community) to create a course on how to sell during a pandemic.  In it Ciara shares insights and practical "how to" on building relationships, finding potential clients and how to follow up to close the sale.   

A critical skill needed in order to build trust and confidence with clients and potential clients is the ability to really, really listen.  To hear every word, every emotion, every wish, ambition and fear.  It is the number one sales skill lacking in our industry today (and in a lot of others!). Email won't help you to WIN business.  Opening up conversations is difficult to do right now, however it is easier than before the Coronavirus.  There are a lot of opportunities brought about as a result of COVID-19.  It might take a shift of perspective to see them.  Taking 90 minutes to do this course will help you to see where to look.  Ciara shares the other 9 skills to help get back on track, back to profitability and booking more MICE business.  Click here to find out more.

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