



MPI is the association for people who bring people together...

....and we are grateful that the MPI Foundation exists to support us in times of need. The MPI UK & Ireland Chapter is raising money to replenish funds, culminating in activity on World Gratitude Day - 21 September 2021. We need your help, and for you to join us in our aspiration by getting involved through pledge or donation. Please contribute to our cause and help restock the MPI Foundation resources.

Who will benefit?

Every £1 raised will help an MPI Member who needs a helping hand with financial assistance to support them in their development or because they have been negatively impacted by circumstances outside their control

Chapter Support

Chapter Support

By Humberto Benavente


Humberto Benavente



How can I contribute?

You can pledge:

  • Plan an activity or challenge that you love to do (running, car wash, cycling, gardening, baking, crafts, car boot, etc) and through which you can raise funds to help others.
  • Organise the event to happen on or before 21 September.
  • Pledge your fundraising target by donating £5 via the JustGiving page to confirm your pledge/challenge.
  • Have lots of fun on the day.
  • Smash your fundraising target.
  • Send the money to MPI UK&I via the Just Giving page.
  • Tell us in advance about the activity you or your Company are pledging to do and send in a short clip to sarslan@helmsbriscoe.com; we’ll use it in our promotions, and showcase you too!

You can donate:

Simply throw some money in the pot right here, right now; on or before 21 September.








Because when people give, they can think in ways previously unthought. Because when people give, they can break barriers. 
Because when people give, they can change the world.

Please help us to change our world the MPI way. Show your gratitude: donate or pledge today
