Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Past Events


The Road to Allyship

December 2, 2020
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

The Road to Allyship
A Two-Part Discussion on How to Get Started and How to Keep Going

Many people want to be an ally but don’t know where to start.

Across the United States, people are finally engaging in substantive conversations about a once off-limits issues, including white male privilege. 

The #MeToo, Black Lives Matter movements, and systemic inequalities laid bare by the pandemic have forced people in positions of power to realize that they must step up if we are to succeed in making our communities more diverse, equitable, and inclusive.  

While many white male leaders avoid these conversations because they can be uncomfortable, our panelists will share with us their experiences and journeys to become allies in this two-part discussion.

Allyship is a journey of authentically supporting communities who have been marginalized. To ally is to take intentional action -  learning and uplifting those around you to ensure that all voices are heard and respected. 

Part I

Getting Into the Game: The Importance of Standing Up and Speaking Out

Part II
Lights, Camera, Actionable Steps

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