Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Past Events


Planning Universally Designed Meetings – Even in the Virtual World

May 28, 2020
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Webinar Series

Stay Inspired Virtual Education Series

Most meeting planners would say their meetings & events are ADA compliant. But what does that really mean, especially in the virtual world? And is “compliant” good enough? Planning an inclusive meeting is more than ensuring the meeting space has elevator access or that your webinar is captioned. Planners need to consider different types of disabilities – visible and invisible – and plan the entire event experience through the perspective of all attendees in order to be truly inclusive.

In this session you’ll learn:

  • The different disabilities – visible and invisible – to consider when planning a meeting
  • Elements of planning a universally designed meeting or event – whether in person or online
  • What you aren’t considering when planning that you should be

1 CE

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