Overall Excellence Chapter Award



MPISCC Book Club "The Art of Gathering"

February 9, 2021
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

In The Art of Gathering, Priya Parker argues that the gatherings in our lives are lackluster and unproductive – but this MPISCC book club meeting definitely won’t be! Join us for an “UnConference” Book Club meeting, where we implement some of the methods and concepts found in the Art of Gathering, and leave the traditional book club format behind.

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join this discussion! Don’t have the time to read the book? Check out Priya’s podcast interview with Brené Brown.

Join the conversation about how to focus on the most important part of every event...the people. In this unique “UnConference” Book Club format, you will connect with MPI friends, meet new people, and leave feeling engaged and inspired. Let's gather to LEARN, DREAM, INSPIRE, APPLY, RELEASE.

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