Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Chapter Chat: Losing Your Job, Finding Yourself

October 22, 2020
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
10.22.20 Chapter Chat Header

Chapter Chat
Losing Your Job, Finding Yourself

A Discussion & Resource Sharing Session for Industry Professionals who are Furloughed or Out of Work

Join your peers for an open and honest conversation about the struggles many of us are facing today, including: 
-Dealing with being furloughed or laid-off
-Having to totally transform your current business models
-Considering a new career or industry 
-Feeling isolated and uncertain in this environment

This is not a keynote presentation with a guest speaker, but simply an opportunity for us to come together, listen, connect, and share resources for navigating this challenging and uncertain time.  

Open to all current & future members. Space for this event will be limited to allow for an active & engaging dialogue. 

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