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MPI Seminarer


Networking Happy Hour - MPI Europe Edition

18 november, 2021
16:00 - 18:00
Online - Brella,
MPI Europe

MPI Finland are looking forward to welcoming event professionals from all over Europe to join us for the networking happy hour on 18th November 2021.

Let's meet each other, learn what's new and do business together.

The virtual event is free of charge and will be focused on 1:1 video meetings between participants through the Brella platform.

What to expect?
  • 🤝 4 hours of networking -> meetings with event professionals from different countries
  • ✨ Group brainstorming on how to boost networking between MPI Europe Chapters
  • 🙌 Learning about Meetings Professional International (MPI), MPI Europe educational programme and member benefits
Event agenda
  • 16:00 - 16:20 👋 Welcome words by President of MPI Finland Chapter Antti Lumiainen
  • 16:20 - 16:50 ⭐️ Group networking & discussions about the future of the MPI Europe collaborations
  • 16:20 - 20:00 👥 1:1 video meetings with your top matches (participants will be able to pre-schedule meetings prior to the event)

Number of places is limited, so join now


Venue Details

Tidligere seminarer

Networking Happy Hour - MPI Europe Edition

18 november, 2021
16:00 - 18:00
Online - Brella,
MPI Europe

MPI Finland are looking forward to welcoming event professionals from all over Europe to join us for the networking happy hour on 18th November 2021.

Let's meet each other, learn what's new and do business together.

The virtual event is free of charge and will be focused on 1:1 video meetings between participants through the Brella platform.

What to expect?
  • 🤝 4 hours of networking -> meetings with event professionals from different countries
  • ✨ Group brainstorming on how to boost networking between MPI Europe Chapters
  • 🙌 Learning about Meetings Professional International (MPI), MPI Europe educational programme and member benefits
Event agenda
  • 16:00 - 16:20 👋 Welcome words by President of MPI Finland Chapter Antti Lumiainen
  • 16:20 - 16:50 ⭐️ Group networking & discussions about the future of the MPI Europe collaborations
  • 16:20 - 20:00 👥 1:1 video meetings with your top matches (participants will be able to pre-schedule meetings prior to the event)

Number of places is limited, so join now


Venue Details


Er du MPI medlem, og har du kollegaer eller venner, som kunne have glæde af det netværk og de uddannelsesmuligheder, du har som medlem i MPI? Så tag dem med som gæst til et af vores seminarer!

Ligesom ved tidligere seminarer kommer de med gratis første gang – og som noget helt nyt kan de også komme med som gæst igen, mod betaling på 400 kr. Hold øje med eventsiden, og ta’ en kollega eller ven med til de kommende MPI seminarer. I invitationen fremgår det, om gæster kan deltage i det pågældende seminar.



Du kan max deltage 2 gange årligt (første år tre gange, inkl. en gæste-adgang). Du må ikke have været medlem af MPI Denmark i 1 år for at deltage som betalende gæst. Hvis du har været medlem før, er der ingen gratis gæste-deltagelse.


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