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Event Design Certificate Program Level 1 Training

January 11, 2023
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Birch Aquarium
300 Expedition Way
La Jolla, CA
Jan EDC Banner 950 x 420 px

Join MPI San Diego for an Interactive 8 hour introduction to Event Design using the #EventCanvas™ Methodology as a basic skillset, including Stakeholder Analysis, Empathy Mapping, and using the Event Canvas for basic prototyping.
After this course, you will have experienced what it’s like to be on an Event Design Team. You will be able to apply the #EventCanvas to articulate how your event can change behavior of the stakeholders. 8 CEU hours for this program.
Morning refreshments and lunch included.

Training Program Pricing:
Members: $350
Non-Members: $595
Interested in joining the committee or donating services for this event?

Venue Details

Birch Aquarium 
Scripps Institution of Oceanography

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