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New Member Spotlight – Emily McElroy

profile 1 - Emily S McElroy

By: MPI Ohio | Dec 14, 2022

Emily McElroy
Procter & Gamble

Who are the most important people in your life? My husband (biggest cheerleader and support system), my family and my close girlfriends.

Who do you work for and what is your role? I am the Executive Meetings Manager at Procter & Gamble.

What is the best thing about your job? I love to travel and this job provides me with the opportunity to experience a lot of places I never thought I would travel to.

What are the 3 most important skills you use at work?
Delegation- the ability to realize that I can’t take everything on myself and there is a team of people willing and able to help me execute the event.
Passion- In this role, hours can be long and demanding, but my passion for planning and executing successful events is what keeps me going.
Organization- The foundation for any great event is being organized. It allows the group to work together more efficiently and the event to operate according to plan.
Quick thinking/adaptation- No matter how much we plan, something unforeseen always pops up! The ability to quickly pivot and change course when this happens is key.

What one piece of advice would you give to someone beginning their career in the Meeting Industry? Network, network, network!! As someone who is only a few years post-grad and shaping my path in the event industry, almost all my opportunities have come from forming relationships. It is also great to meet people who have more experience than you in the industry. The feedback and advice they can offer is invaluable!

What super-power would you love to have to help you do your job better? The ability to see into the future. Fast-forwarding to the event would help plan my time better and plan and anticipate challenges before they arise.

As a new member, we want to make sure you get the most out of your membership and feel welcomed into our community of meeting professionals. It is our mission to provide innovative and relevant education & networking opportunities as well as business exchanges. From time to time we like to highlight our new members to help introduce them into our member network.



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