Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Board Job Descriptions



Term: One year or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws


  • Member in good standing with previous service as President-Elect
  • Knowledgeable of the activities/affairs of the chapter
  • Willing to give the time, energy, talents and enthusiasm required of the position
  • Good organizational skills

General Responsibilities:

  • Attend monthly board meetings, chapter events and committee meetings
  • Act as coach, advisor and counselor to Board of Directors and committees
  • Submit agenda items for Board of Directors meetings in advance of meetings
  • Report on the strategies, successes and challenges of assigned committees to Board of Directors
  • Responsible for budget as a whole
  • Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Participate in scheduled MPI Global leadership Calls
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  • Perform other duties that may be required by the Board of Directors.

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Directly responsible for communicating with and supervising the chapter officers and directors to ensure that all assignments are completed according to the business plan, the chapter is financially sound, and membership is advised of all progress.
  • Serve as chair of all meetings of both the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, serve as a member of the Budget and Finance Committee
  • Serve as an ex-officio member on all committees except the Governance and Nominating Committee
  • Ensure development and facilitation of a long term business plan
  • Appoint all members of standing and special committees and relieve any inactive committee members with approval of the Board
  • Ensure chapter adherence to Chapter Bylaws, Policies and Procedures
  • Work with Chapter Administrator to prepare consent agenda for each board meeting and distribute prior to meeting; preside at each board meeting
  • Work with Office of the President to prepare agenda for chapter’s annual business meeting; preside at chapter’s annual business meeting
  • Vote on issues brought before the Board of Directors only in the event of a tie
  • Act as official spokesperson of the chapter
  • Plan and conduct annual mid-year Board Retreat
  • Act as support/mentor to President Elect
  • Submit budget needs for the following fiscal year
  • Oversee performance of Chapter Administrator including monthly meetings and a yearly performance review
  • Serve as liaison between the chapter and MPI Headquarter
  • Ensure chapter compliance with MPI Headquarters

Time Commitment:

  • Regular attendance at monthly meetings, Board meetings and Executive Committee meetings
  • Attendance at Annual Board Retreat and Mid-Year Board Retreat
  • Participate on MPI Training Webinars
  • Attendance at official chapter activities and functions
  • Attendance at Chapter Business Summit
  • All other related activities

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President Elect

Term: One year or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws


  • Member in good standing with previous service in a Board position
  • Knowledgeable of the activities/affairs of the chapter
  •  Willing to give the time, energy, talents and enthusiasm required of the position

General Responsibilities:

  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors and Executive Committee
  • Attend monthly board meetings, chapter events and committee meetings
  • Act as coach, advisor and counselor to assigned committees
  • Submit agenda items for Board of Directors meetings in advance of meetings
  • Report on the strategies, successes and challenges of assigned committees to Board of Directors
  • Responsible for the related budget line items
  • Responsible for ensuring the fiscal responsibility of the committee(s) to which position is assigned.
  • Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Participate in scheduled MPI Global leadership Calls
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  • Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or Board of Directors

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Serve as direct support to the Chapter President
  • In the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President
  • Keep knowledgeable about chapter activities in order to take over for or represent the President
  • Meet with Board members one-on-one to discuss succession
  • Ensure the chapter adheres to minimum chapter standards as prescribed by MPI
  •  Work with Leadership Development to conduct both transition meeting and orientation for incoming board members
  • Participate with President and Immediate Past President in Chapter Administrator’s Annual Review
  • Work with President and Immediate Past President on transition plan
  •  Plan and execute Annual Board Retreat

Reports to: President

Time Commitment:

  • Regular attendance at monthly meetings, Board meetings and Executive Committee meetings
  • Attendance at Annual Board Retreat and Mid-Year Board Retreat.
  • Participate on MPI Training Webinars
  • Attendance at official chapter activities and functions
  • Attendance at Chapter Business Summit
  • All other related activities

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Immediate Past President

Term: One year or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws



  • Member in good standing
  • Completion of previous year's term as President

General Responsibilities:

  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors and Executive Committee
  • Attend monthly board meetings, chapter events and committee meetings
  • Act as coach, advisor and counselor to assigned committees
  • Submit agenda items for Board of Directors meetings in advance of meetings
  • Report on the strategies, successes and challenges of assigned committees to Board of Directors
  • Responsible for the related budget line items
  • Responsible for ensuring the fiscal responsibility of the committee(s) to which position is assigned.
  • Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Participate in scheduled MPI Global leadership calls
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  • Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or Board of Directors

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Chair the Governance and Nominating Committee, ensuring compliance with Chapter Bylaws and policy, providing an open nominations & elections process, and ensuring compliance with MPI elections calendar requirements.
  • Act as support/mentor to President.
  • Promote and work with Leadership Development Committee to provide for continued involvement of past presidents to support the business plan of the chapter.
  •  Serve as MPI NF Representative on MPI Global South East Regional Council
  • Review and update Chapter Bylaws and Chapter Policy Manual as needed.

Reports to: President

Time Commitment:

  • Regular attendance at monthly meetings and Board meetings
  • Attendance at Annual Board Retreat and Mid-Year Board Retreat
  • Attendance at all official chapter activities and functions
  • Committee activities

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Vice President of Communications

Term: One year or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws


  • Member in good standing
  • Willing to give the time, energy, talents and enthusiasm required of the position

General Responsibilities:

  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors and Executive Committee
  • Attend monthly board meetings, chapter events and committee meetings
  • Act as coach, advisor and counselor to assigned committees
  • Submit agenda items for Board of Directors meetings in advance of meetings
  • Report on the strategies, successes and challenges of assigned committees to Board of Directors
  • Responsible for the related budget line items
  • Responsible for ensuring the fiscal responsibility of the committee(s) to which position is assigned.
  • Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Participate in scheduled MPI Global leadership calls
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  •  Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or Board of Directors

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Manage the publications, marketing, advertising, public relations, community outreach, and advocacy efforts of the chapter, including:
    • Marketing
    • Website Content
    • Public Relations - Media Relations, Press Releases, and Monthly Newsletter
    • Social Media – Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram, and other social media determined to be current and high reaching to current and potential members.
  • Communicate strategic issues relating to communications/technology to Board of Directors
  • Research current communications/technology trends and topics pertinent to the meetings industry and report findings to Board of Directors
  • Approve all bills of the committees within the Communications category and forward appropriate paperwork to the VP of Finance

Reports to: President

Time Commitment:

  • Regular attendance at monthly meetings and Board meetings
  • Attendance at Annual Board Retreat and Mid-Year Board Retreat
  • Attendance at official chapter activities and functions
  • Potential attendance at Chapter Business Summit, as requested and approved by Board of Directors
  • Committee activities

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Vice President of Education

Term: One year or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws


  • Member in good standing
  • Willing to give the time, energy, talents and enthusiasm required of the position

General Responsibilities:

  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors and Executive Committee
  • Attend monthly board meetings, chapter events and committee meetings
  • Act as coach, advisor and counselor to assigned committees
  • Submit agenda items for Board of Directors meetings in advance of meetings
  • Report on the strategies, successes and challenges of assigned committees to Board of Directors
  • Responsible for the related budget line items
  • Responsible for ensuring the fiscal responsibility of the committee(s) to which position is assigned.
  • Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Participate in scheduled MPI Global leadership Calls
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  • Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or Board of Directors

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Manage and supervise chapter educational efforts, including:
    • Monthly Programs Logistics
    • Professional Development - Educational Content & Speaker Sourcing, Chapter/Regional Education Conference (if applicable)
    • Develop annual education plan in accordance with chapter business plan and MPI standards
    • Manage the CMP Initiatives for the chapter
  • Communicate strategic issues relating to professional development to Board of Directors
  • Research current education trends and topics pertinent to the meetings industry and report findings to Board of Directors
  • Approve all bills of the committees within the Education category and forward appropriate paperwork to the VP of Finance

Reports to: President

Time Commitment:

  • Regular attendance at monthly meetings and Board meetings
  • Attendance at Annual Board Retreat and Mid-Year Board Retreat
  • Attendance at official chapter activities and functions
  • Potential attendance at Chapter Business Summit, as requested and approved by Board of Directors
  • Committee activities

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Vice President of Finance

Term: One year or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws


  • Member in good standing
  • Willing to give the time, energy, talents and enthusiasm required of the position

General Responsibilities:

  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors and Executive Committee
  • Attend monthly board meetings, chapter events and committee meetings
  • Act as coach, advisor and counselor to assigned committees
  • Submit agenda items for Board of Directors meetings in advance of meetings
  • Report on the strategies, successes and challenges of assigned committees to Board of Directors
  • Responsible for the related budget line items
  • Responsible for ensuring the fiscal responsibility of the committee(s) to which position is assigned.
  • Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Participate in scheduled MPI Global leadership calls
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  •  Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or Board of Directors

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Manage and supervise chapter financial efforts
  • Review and approve all expense reimbursement requests to ensure that they are within budget and coded properly
  • Conduct monthly budget review with each area VP
  • Research current funding, partnership and investment trends and topics pertinent to the chapter and report findings to Board of Directors
  • Work with the Chapter Administrator to:
    • Conduct monthly reviews with the CA to review the P&L and make updates/notes as appropriate
    • Monthly review of banking and credit card statements
    • Present up-to-date financial statements at each Board of Directors meeting and each Chapter Retreat
    • Ensure safekeeping and monitor Investments & Reserves - CDs, mutual funds, prudent reserve – in approved banks and other institutions
    • Maintain proper accounting procedure for the receipt and handling of funds, maintenance of financial records, and paying all authorized invoices
    • Assist with preparation of annual operating budget and ensure compliance once approved by the Board
    • Comply with all governmental tax regulations and work with Chapter Administrator to ensure chapter tax returns and annual business reports are filed as required
  • Ensure chapter budget is always correct and up to date

Reports to: President

Time Commitment:

  • Regular attendance at monthly meetings, Board meetings and Executive Committee meetings
  • Attendance at Annual Board Retreat and Mid-Year Board Retreat
  • Potential attendance at Chapter Business Summit, as requested and approved by Board of Directors
  • Attendance at official chapter activities and functions
  •  Maintenance of chapter financial records
  • Committee activities

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Vice President of Membership

Term: One year or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws


  • Member in good standing
  • Willing to give the time, energy, talents and enthusiasm required of the position

General Responsibilities:

  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors and Executive Committee
  • Attend monthly board meetings, chapter events and committee meetings
  • Act as coach, advisor and counselor to assigned committees
  • Submit agenda items for Board of Directors meetings in advance of meetings
  • Report on the strategies, successes and challenges of assigned committees to Board of Directors
  • Responsible for the related budget line items
  • Responsible for ensuring the fiscal responsibility of the committee(s) to which position is assigned.
  • Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Participate in scheduled MPI Global leadership calls
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  • Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or Board of Directors

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Provide direction and leadership for the chapter's program to maintain and increase MPI membership
  • Manage and supervise chapter membership efforts, including
  • Recruitment – member recruitment, new member orientation
  • Member Care – member retention, hospitality
  • Scholarships & Member Recognition – recognition programs, scholarships
  • Determine and recommend volunteer appreciation gifts or event if part of annual business plan.
  • Perform a chapter needs assessment survey as deemed necessary
  • Communicate strategic issues relating to membership to Board of Directors
  • Research current membership trends and topics pertinent to the meetings industry and report findings to Board of Directors
  • Approve all bills of the committees within the Membership category and forward appropriate paperwork to the VP of Finance

Reports to: President

Time Commitment:

  • Regular attendance at monthly meetings and Board meetings
  • Attendance at Annual Board and Mid-Year Board Retreat
  • Attendance at official chapter activities and functions
  • Potential attendance at Chapter Business Summit, as requested and approved by Board of Directors
  • Committee activities

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Director of Operations

Term: One year or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws

  • Member in good standing
  • Willing to give the time, energy, talents and enthusiasm required of the position

General Responsibilities:

  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors
  • Attend monthly board meetings, chapter events and committee meetings
  • Act as coach, advisor and counselor to assigned committees
  • Submit agenda items for Board of Directors meetings in advance of meetings
  • Report on the strategies, successes and challenges of assigned committees to Board of Directors
  • Responsible for the related budget line items
  • Responsible for ensuring the fiscal responsibility of the committee(s) to which position is assigned
  • Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Participate in scheduled MPI Global leadership calls
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  • Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or Board of Directors

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Work with Director of Venue Partnerships and Director of Education, coordinates logistics (venue, AV, speaker needs) for chapter programs to include:
  • Luncheons and Board Meetings
  • Other events as determined by annual business plan
  • Support Director of Special Events
  • Approve all bills of the committees within the Operations category and forward appropriate paperwork to the VP of Finance
  • Lead community outreach efforts and implementation at educational events and onsite board meetings
  • Onsite event liaison for educational events and board meetings

Reports to: VP Education

Time Commitment:

  • Regular attendance at monthly meetings and Board meetings
  • Attendance at Annual Board Retreat and Mid-Year Board Retreat
  • Attendance at official chapter activities and functions
  • Potential attendance at Chapter Business Summit, as requested and approved by Board of Directors
  • Committee activities

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Director of Education

Term: One year or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws


  • Member in good standing
  • Willing to give the time, energy, talents and enthusiasm required of the position

General Responsibilities:

  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors and Executive Committee
  • Attend monthly board meetings, chapter events and committee meetings
  • Act as coach, advisor and counselor to assigned committees
  • Submit agenda items for Board of Directors meetings in advance of meetings
  • Report on the strategies, successes and challenges of assigned committees to Board of Directors
  • Responsible for the related budget line items
  •  Responsible for ensuring the fiscal responsibility of the committee(s) to which position is assigned.
  • Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Participate in scheduled MPI Global Leadership calls
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  • Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or Board of Directors

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Manage speaker sourcing for all chapter educational events as determined by annual business plan
  • Serve as speaker liaison for all chapter educational events; coordinating with Director of Operations to ensure all requirements are met
  • Present thank you card to speaker post-event
  • Communicate strategic issues relating to professional development to Board of Directors
  • Research current education trends and topics pertinent to the meetings industry and report findings to Board of Directors (i.e. committee research, member survey, etc.)
  • Approve all bills of the committees within the Program category and forward appropriate paperwork to the VP of Finance

Reports to: VP Education

Time Commitment:

  • Regular attendance at monthly meetings and Board meetings
  • Attendance at Annual Board Retreat and Mid-Year Board Retreat
  • Attendance at official chapter activities and functions
  • Potential attendance at Chapter Business Summit, as requested and approved by Board of Directors
  • Committee activities

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Director of Special Events

Term: One year or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws (year is based on Chapter Fiscal Year)

Member in good standing
Willing to give the time, energy, talents and enthusiasm required of the position

General Responsibilities:

  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors
  • Attend monthly board meetings, chapter events and committee meeting
  • Act as coach, advisor and counselor to assigned committees
  •  Submit agenda items for Board of Directors meetings in advance of meetings
  • Report on the strategies, successes and challenges of assigned committees to Board of Directors
  • Responsible for related budget line items
  • Responsible for ensuring the fiscal responsibility of the committee(s) to which position is assigned
  • Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  • Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or Board of Directors

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Develop, implement and manage chapter planning/sponsorship sales and events including (but not limited to):
    • MPI After 5’s
    • Educon
    • Golf
    • Holiday Party/Member Awards
  • Any other special event that is deemed appropriate to the business plan
  • Develop strategies to increase revenue and in-kind support for the chapter
  • Monitor association/meetings industry trends to discover best practices in resource development

Reports to: VP Finance 

Time Commitment:

  • Regular attendance at monthly meetings and Board meetings
  • Attendance at Annual Board Retreat and Mid-Year Board Retreat
  • Attendance at all official chapter activities and functions
  • Potential attendance at Chapter Leadership Conference, as directed by President
  • Committee activities

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Director of Leadership Development

Term: One year or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws


  • Member in good standing
  • Willing to give the time, energy, talents and enthusiasm required of the position

General Responsibilities:

  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors
  • Attend monthly board meetings, chapter events and committee meetings
  • Act as coach, advisor and counselor to assigned committees
  • Submit agenda items for Board of Directors meetings in advance of meetings
  • Report on the strategies, successes and challenges of assigned committees to Board of Directors
  • Responsible for the related budget line items
  •  Responsible for ensuring the fiscal responsibility of the committee(s) to which position is assigned.
  • Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Participate in scheduled MPI Global Leadership calls
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  • Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or Board of Directors

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Develop and implement a mentoring program to encourage participation in chapter leadership
  • Ensure promotion of leadership development efforts
  • Responsible for related budget line items
  • Responsible for ensuring the fiscal responsibility of the committee(s) to which position is assigned
  • Oversee Ambassador Program
  • Maintain volunteer database and succession planning document
  • Encourage member involvement in committees
  • Work with committees to expand volunteer long-term involvement with chapter
  • Work with VP of Membership and Director of Membership on New Member Orientation and Member Care

Reports to: President

Time Commitment:

  • Regular attendance at monthly meetings and Board meetings
  • Attendance at Annual Board Retreat and Mid-Year Board Retreat
  • Attendance at official chapter activities and functions
  • Potential attendance at Chapter Business Summit, as requested and approved by Board of Directors
  • Committee activities

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Director of Venue Partnership

Term: One year or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws


  • Member in good standing
  • Willing to give the time, energy, talents and enthusiasm required of the position

General Responsibilities:

  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors
  • Attend monthly board meetings, chapter events and committee meetings
  • Act as coach, advisor and counselor to assigned committees
  • Submit agenda items for Board of Directors meetings in advance of meetings
  • Report on the strategies, successes and challenges of assigned committees to Board of Directors
  • Responsible for the related budget line items
  • Responsible for ensuring the fiscal responsibility of the committee(s) to which position is assigned
  • Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Participate in scheduled MPI Global leadership calls
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  • Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or Board of Directors

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Oversee/manage venue site selection and contract negotiation for chapter activities including:
    • Monthly Luncheons and Board Meetings
    • End of Year Celebration/Member Awards Gala
    • After 5 Networking Events
    • Board Retreats (mid-year and annual)
    • Other events as determined by annual business plan
  • Present thank you card to venue post-event
  • Work with Director of Strategic Partnerships to develop, implement and maintain chapter’s RFP process
  • Approve all bills of the committees within the Venue Partnerships category and forward appropriate paperwork to the VP of Finance

Reports to: VP Finance

Time Commitment:

  • Regular attendance at monthly meetings and Board meetings
  • Attendance at Annual Board Retreat and Mid-Year Board Retreat
  • Attendance at official chapter activities and functions
  • Potential attendance at Chapter Business Summit, in conjunction with WEC, as requested and approved by Board of Directors
  • Committee Activities

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Director of Strategic Partnerships

Term: One year or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws


  • Member in good standing
  • Willing to give the time, energy, talents and enthusiasm required of the position

General Responsibilities:

  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors
  • Attend monthly board meetings, chapter events and committee meetings
  • Act as coach, advisor and counselor to assigned committees
  • Submit agenda items for Board of Directors meetings in advance of meetings
  • Report on the strategies, successes and challenges of assigned committees to Board of Directors
  • Responsible for the related budget line items
  • Responsible for ensuring the fiscal responsibility of the committee(s) to which position is assigned.
  • Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Participate in scheduled MPI Global leadership calls
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  • Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or Board of Directors

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Secure cash and other sponsorships as determined by annual business plan
  • Work with VP of Communications on Sponsorship agreement deliverables and fulfillment calendar
  • Secure raffle items for educational luncheons and special events
  • Work with Director of Venue Partnerships to develop, implement and maintain chapter’s RFP process
  • Present thank you card to sponsor upon contracting
  • Approve all bills of the committees within the Strategic Partnerships category and forward appropriate paperwork to the VP of Finance

Reports to: VP of Finance

Time Commitment:

  • Regular attendance at monthly meetings and Board meetings
  • Attendance at Annual Board Retreat and Mid-Year Board Retreat
  • Attendance at official chapter activities and functions
  • Potential attendance at Chapter Business Summit, as requested and approved by Board of Directors

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Director of Membership

Term: One year or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws


  • Member in good standing
  • Willing to give the time, energy, talents and enthusiasm required of the position 

General Responsibilities:

  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors and Executive Committee
  • Attend monthly board meetings, chapter events and committee meetings
  • Act as coach, advisor and counselor to assigned committees
  • Submit agenda items for Board of Directors meetings in advance of meetings
  • Report on the strategies, successes and challenges of assigned committees to Board of Directors
  • Responsible for the related budget line items
  • Participate in scheduled MPI Global leadership calls
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  • Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or Board of Directors

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Manage and supervise chapter membership recruitment efforts, including:
    • Recruitment – member recruitment/membership drives
    • New member orientation (MPI 101)
    • Awards & Scholarships – recognition programs, scholarships
  • Communicate strategic issues relating to membership to Board of Directors
  • Research current membership trends and topics pertinent to the meetings industry and report findings to Board of Directors
  • Approve all bills of the committees within the Membership category and forward appropriate paperwork to the VP of Finance

Reports to: VP Membership

Time Commitment:

  • Regular attendance at monthly meetings and Board meetings
  • Attendance at Annual Board and Mid-Year Board Retreat
  • Attendance at official chapter activities and functions
  • Potential attendance at Chapter Business Summit, as requested and approved by Board of Directors
  • Committee activities

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Director of Communications

Term: One year or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws 


  • Member in good standing
  • Willing to give the time, energy, talents and enthusiasm required of the position

      General Responsibilities:

  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors and Executive Committee
  • Attend monthly board meetings, chapter events and committee meetings
  • Act as coach, adviser and counselor to assigned committees
  • Submit agenda items for Board of Directors meetings in advance of meetings
  • Report on the strategies, successes and challenges of assigned committees to Board of Directors
  • Responsible for the related budget line items
  • Responsible for ensuring the fiscal responsibility of the committee(s) to which position is assigned.
  • Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  • Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or Board of Directors

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Collaborate directly with VP of Communications & Marketing on chapter social media, publications, events, and sponsorship initiatives to oversee Social Media accounts, Email Communications, Monthly Newsletter, Event Photos, and Sponsorship & Advertising Agreements
  • Work with Director of Strategic Partnerships on Sponsorship agreements and fulfillment calendar
  • Advise committee members on public relations for chapter event communications
  • Assist VP of Communication in registration and website support for all chapter events
  • Oversee communication plan, schedule, and design for special event chapter communications
  • Approve all bills of the committees within the Communications category and forward appropriate paperwork to the VP of Finance

Reports to: VP Communications

Time Commitment:

  • Regular attendance at monthly meetings and Board meetings
  • Attendance at Annual Board Retreat and Mid-Year Board Retreat
  • Attendance at all official chapter activities and functions
  • Potential attendance at Chapter Leadership Conference, as directed by President
  • Committee activities

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