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Up-Close Profile – Supplier: Amy Beilke


By: Amy Beilke, MPI Newsletter Editor and Account Executive at Carrousel Travel | Oct 4, 2017

1. Tell us about your business and your current job.

Carrousel Travel is a full service Travel Management Company celebrating 40 years in business in the Twin Cities this year by doing 40 acts of kindness.  Check out #CT40ActsOfKindness.  I help clients manage their group travel, corporate incentive programs and meeting logistics.  We provide an extra set of hands to manage these programs and have all the tools and technology to provide a seamless guest experience.  We have moved thousands of people to every corner of the world working with our worldwide partners. 

2. What do you hope to gain from your MPI Membership?

I joined MPI to expand my networking opportunities and meet like-minded people.  The energy at an MPI event is contagious and I love attending these events!  I’ve met meeting planners from a variety of companies and connected with suppliers who can help me provide the best services for my clients.  This is the place to be if you do meetings, incentives or events.

3. If there was only one thing a potential customer could remember about your company, what would that be?

We are the group travel experts!  We help our clients in any capacity from program ideas and planning, registration and fulfillment to feet on the street delivery. Our goal is to always create the best guest experience.

4. What one piece of advice would you give to a new supplier joining the MPI network?

Get involved.  Before I even joined MPI, I volunteered on the Marketing Committee and have met so many talented and supportive people through that process.  It’s a great way to give back and get more out of your membership!

5. What has been the best piece of advice you have been given, and how has it made a difference in your life - personally or professionally?

No matter what life throws at you, it’s your attitude or how you look at it that will determine the outcome.  We have the power to change our point of view and learn something new at any time.

6. What are some of your favorite pastime activities?

Hanging out with my family, my husband Charlie, daughter Gaby and dogs, Norm and Luci!  Gardening anytime and all the time.  Getting together with friends and family.  We do a lot of laughing, keeps your heart young!



Amy Beilke, MPI Newsletter Editor and Account Executive at Carrousel Travel

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