September Educational Event
September 27, 2024
Marriott Minneapolis Northwest

Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Office of President Message


By: Jennifer Dorholt, Manager, Event Technology, Ameriprise Financial | Jul 10, 2018

As I begin to write my first message I cannot believe it is July already. It makes me both happy and sad at the same time. I am sad because I know that our summer is half over, at the same time I am happy because it means we are starting the chapter’s new year. For those of you who were not able to join us at the year-end celebration I wanted to take a moment and introduce myself. I am Jennifer Dorholt your 2018-2019 MPI Minnesota Chapter President. I have been a part of MPI for the past 11 years and been volunteering with the chapter for the past 5 years.

I feel very fortunate to be starting my year as President following in the footsteps of our now Immediate Past President, Jen Ruthig. She has done a great job of laying down a solid foundation allowing for an easy transition. I am also fortunate to have a great group of individuals who have accepted the opportunity to be a part of our board of directors. We all share the vision to maintain a strong, successful and engaged chapter. With their support and dedication, as well as yours, as chapter members I know we will do great things this year.

I look forward to working with each of you throughout the year! In the meantime, enjoy your summer and we’ll see you for or first meeting in August.



Jennifer Dorholt, CMP
Jennifer Dorholt, Manager, Event Technology, Ameriprise Financial

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