September Educational Event
September 27, 2024
Marriott Minneapolis Northwest

Overall Excellence Chapter Award



MPI MN Up-Close Supplier Profile: Natalie Schultz

By: Natalie Schultz, Executive Meeting Sales Manager| Hotel Landing | Jul 10, 2019

1. Tell us about your business and your current job.
I currently work at the Hotel Landing in downtown Wayzata, MN. I am in charge of planning events for the corporate segment at the hotel. I am in charge of prospecting and handling our repeat guests. I love my job and I love this hotel. It truly sells itself! I get so excited when my clients feel the same way I do about our property.

2. What do you hope to gain from your MPI Membership?
I am looking to gain relationships with other members in MPI and see how we can bounce ideas off one another to bring in potential business for each other. I also want to gain knowledge in areas of sales that I have not been exposed to yet. Most important, I am looking forward to meeting new Minneapolis residents since I moved back here from Chicago. I want to expand my network. 

3. If there was only one thing a potential customer could remember about your company, what would that be?
That we have the best service you can find in the Minneapolis metropolitan area. We strive to find very experienced banquet staff that are in tune of our guests’ needs and wants. Our team will always have a “can-do” attitude and even if something does go awry, our guests will never know. Our staff is great at staying calm and level headed if something does not go as planned. This in turn makes for a pleasant experience for our guests all the time. 

4. What one piece of advice would you give to a new supplier joining the MPI network?
To not be afraid to jump in on conversations as a new member. Everything you have to say matters. People at MPI are not here to judge you, we all have one common goal in mind…. to better ourselves in the hospitality world.

5. What has been the best piece of advice you have been given, and how has it made a difference in your life - personally or professionally?
My dad once told me that people will always disappoint you. This may sound shocking and dark when you first read or hear a statement like this.  I took it as a reminder to make sure you have all your bases covered in life (especially professionally). Take account for your own actions. Asking someone else to reach a deadline for you is a shot in the dark sometimes, so it is always best to make sure you follow up on tasks and have open communication at all times to make sure things do not slip through the cracks. This advice has helped me with personal relationships as far as communicating with my coworkers, fiancé, friends, and family. In my career, it helps me to make sure I have that checklist at the end of each day to ensure that all my duties are accounted for. 

6. What are some of your favorite pastime activities?
When I was in my undergrad at Purdue University, I was part of the Delta Zeta sorority. I miss being with my pledge class and planning events for the house as their social chair! I also participated in the Purdue Ski and Snowboard Club during my time there. I really miss taking our spring break ski trip and being with all my colleagues at the time. After school, I moved straight to Chicago and lived there for five years. I always knew I wanted to be back in Minneapolis since my whole family is here, but I do miss trying new restaurants and staying involved in their hospitality scene!


Natalie Schultz, Executive Meeting Sales Manager| Hotel Landing
Executive Meeting Sales Manager at Hotel Landing

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