September Educational Event
September 27, 2024
Marriott Minneapolis Northwest

Overall Excellence Chapter Award



MPI MN Up-Close Profile – Supplier - Megan Diaz


By: Megan Diaz, Senior Business Development Manager, Minneapolis Northwest Tourism | Sep 6, 2018

Tell us about your business and your current job.

MNW Tourism is a convention and visitor’s bureau that represents the cities of Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park and Maple Grove. We provide support to our communities, hotels and venues to enhance Minneapolis Northwest’s presence as a destination. It is the mission of MNW Tourism to attract visitors to our area resulting in a positive economic impact.

As a Business Development Manager, I attend various conferences and trade shows, showcasing our area. I assist with leads from planners to find the perfect fit for their program. I am an extension of our hotel and venue’s sales teams and offer support and sales efforts to make them as successful as possible.


What do you hope to gain from your MPI Membership?

Making new connections, building relationships and continuing to further my education in our industry.


If there was only one thing a potential customer could remember about your company, what would that be?

We are a knowledgeable, helpful and FUN resource!


What one piece of advice would you give to a new supplier joining the MPI network?

Join a committee and don’t be shy!


What has been the best piece of advice you have been given, and how has it made a difference in your life - personally or professionally?

Everyone is replaceable. This has taught me to be humble, and understand that working hard pays off, and if I don’t do it, someone else will be happy to take my place.


What are some of your favorite pastime activities?

Spending time with my family, cooking and/or trying new restaurants, relaxing at the lake!





Megan Diaz, Senior Business Development Manager, Minneapolis Northwest Tourism

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