September Educational Event
September 27, 2024
Marriott Minneapolis Northwest

Overall Excellence Chapter Award



MPI MN Up-Close Profile – Planner - Shelley Sanders


By: Shelley Sanders, Meeting Planner, Skyline Exhibits | Dec 1, 2017

1. Why did you join MPI? 

My boss had encouraged me to join MPI to network and connect with people in my same industry.  What I didn’t know, beyond the networking opportunities MPI offers, was the wealth of information and content that are available to you as well! 

2. How long have you been in the meetings/hospitality industry? 

16 ½ years

3. How did you decide to get involved in this business?  What influenced you?

I was between jobs and not knowing really what I wanted to do.  I came across this job and fell in love with it and have been doing it ever since.

4. What’s the most valuable advice you’ve received about working with meetings? 

Delegate.  Don’t try to do everything on your own.  If you do, you end up running around like crazy and can’t solve any problems that may arise.  Create an internal team that YOU can trust and count on who won’t be standing around checking their emails, etc. on their phones.  Of course, you will be involved and help out, but you will also be able to stand back and take an overall look of how things are going and handle any problems before they get out of hand. 

5. What is one piece of advice about meeting planning you would share?  Hmmm...only one? 

Start the planning process early—include key decision makers early on.  Communicate often…don’t make any assumptions.  Be pro-active instead of re-active—anticipate things that could go wrong and have a back-up plan.  It is okay to make mistakes—it is more important that you learn from them.  Take time off to rejuvenate yourself—if you don’t, you will get run down.

6. What is one thing about this industry that you love?

You are never bored with it.  You wake up each morning not knowing what is in store for you.  Every day is different.   I also enjoy the people.  The relationships you build with your suppliers and also within MPI.

7. What is one thing about the industry would you like to see changed? 

I think maybe more discussions/meetings on ROI.  How do you make ROI more recognizable in events, etc.?  Most people understand how to achieve ROI, but how do you get others to rally around the idea? 

8. What do you do outside of work?

I enjoy spending time with my family.  We have 3 children who keep us pretty busy running around for sports, church, etc. so there isn’t a lot of “extra” time.



Shelley Sanders, Meeting Planner, Skyline Exhibits
Meeting Planner at Skyline Exhibits

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