September Educational Event
September 27, 2024
Marriott Minneapolis Northwest

Overall Excellence Chapter Award




By: Cara Brinton, Capella University | Feb 4, 2019

1. Why did you join MPI?

I joined MPI when I first started my role as an associate event manager. I was brand new to the meetings/events industry and was eager to learn as much as I could from both the educational opportunities as well as from other professionals in the industry.

2. How long have you been in the meetings/hospitality industry?

I’ve been in the meetings industry just over three years now. This was a definite change in career paths and I love it!

3. How did you decide to get involved in this business? What influenced you?

I previously had the opportunity to attend events at my current company, but in a different capacity. I was always amazed by how everything came together so smoothly onsite and was intrigued by all the moving pieces that I imagined went into the planning. As I learned more about the industry and the role specifically, I realized that I wanted to make the transition to the meetings industry.

4. What’s the most valuable advice you’ve received about working with meetings?

Don’t lose sight of the big picture. Event planning involves such detailed work that it’s easy to get caught up in the details. They’re essential, but taking a step back every once in a while provides the opportunity to see things from a different and important perspective.

5. What is one piece of advice about meeting planning you would share?

Get out and see what others in the industry are doing. There are lots of great and innovative ideas out there and seeing how they are executed at different venues and for different groups can stimulate creativity in your own meetings.

6. What is one thing about this industry that you love?

I love the variety and all the different people you meet and work with to execute a successful event.

7. What do you do outside of work?

Outside of work I like to travel, especially in the winter when it’s cold (non-native, here). I also love being outdoors and active in any type of activity/sport.



Cara Brinton, Capella University
Capella University

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