September Educational Event
September 27, 2024
Marriott Minneapolis Northwest

Overall Excellence Chapter Award



MPI MN September CMP Prep Questions

By: Denise Woods, CMP | Dec 22, 2020

Both questions reference Domain C (Risk Management)

1.  When a New York snowstorm interferes with travel from New York to your Arizona meeting, you should:
    a.  carry on as though nothing happened--“the show must go on”
    b. modify your arrangements to accommodate a smaller registration even though you will lose money
    c. cancel the meeting
    d. cancel the business sessions but hold a big party at the sponsor’s expense so those who could make it will attend next year’s event

2.  Which insurance statement is false?

    a. Products Liability protects against food poisoning
    b. Burglary and Robbery covers loss of on-site registration monies
    c. a hurricane would put Cancellation Insurance into effect
    d. your organization’s General Liability Insurance covers delegates’ personal property

1.  b
2.  d


Denise Woods
Denise Woods, CMP






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