September Educational Event
September 27, 2024
Marriott Minneapolis Northwest

Overall Excellence Chapter Award




By: Elizabeth Sherry | Dec 22, 2020


MPI Minnesota prides itself on first-class events and programming for our members and we want you to know that you can rely on us to do what is in the best interest of our members when it comes to our upcoming events. Because of this, we are following the CDC’s recommendations and we decided to cancel or postpone our events within the eight-week range that they have advised.  This includes:

  • CMP/ CMM Breakfast – postponed
  • GMID – in person meeting cancelled – available virtually!
  • May Monthly Meeting –virtual

Check out our GMID article in this newsletter to register for the GMID virtual meeting! 

For the most up-to-date information on the Minnesota Chapter events, please refer to our COVID-19 page we have added.

To stay up to date with communications and tools from MPI Global, please refer to this webpage.

We continue to review tools, webinars and learning opportunities and will continue to update you on our social media channels.  Please follow us on:

• Linkedin - MPI Minnesota Chapter
• Facebook - MPI MN
• Instagram - mpiminnesotachapter
• Twitter - MPI MN

Hashtag #MPIMN

Speaking of educational opportunities during this time, please listen to a video from Darren Temple, the COO of MPI Global.  

A word about your membership and you find yourself unemployed, please know that your member follows you and not your company.  To temporarily assist displaced members whose membership maybe expiring soon, please review this form for a complimentary membership extension.  Unemployed Member Assistance Request Form 2020

Last but not least, please connect with us on line!  Join the MPI Minnesota chat room, we are in this together!

We are MPI strong!



Elizabeth Sherry
Development & Engagement Manager at Minnesota Chamber of Commerce





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