September Educational Event
September 27, 2024
Marriott Minneapolis Northwest

Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Let's ReConnect at WeConnect!

By: Lisa Myers | Apr 7, 2022

We don’t just need to connect – we need to ReConnect!MPI_22_ReConnect_Logo_900w

For the second year, MPI’s Annual education day has taken on this special branding to get everyone together again as we continue to navigate meetings and events in dynamic environments.

The 2022 conference is taking place in-person at the Minneapolis Marriott City Center on May 5.

Attendees will get to participate in an unconference format to exchange ideas and learn from one another.

Keynote Speaker: Michael Dominguez

  7:30 AM: Registration Opens; Arrivals & Networking
  8:00 AM: MPI Welcome
  8:50 AM: Unconference Overview and Launch
  9:10 AM: KEYNOTE ADDRESS by Michael Dominguez
10:00 AM: Q&A with Michael Dominguez
11:00 AM: ThinkTank Groups: Session One
12:00 PM: Lunch
12:30 PM: ThinkTank Groups: Session Two
  1:15 PM: ThinkTank Groups: Session Three
  3:00 PM: Haute Companies Workshop, "Return on Emotion"
  3:45 PM Group Retrospective on Session Outcomes
  4:10 PM MPI Close
  4:15 PM Happy Hour Fiesta: Games, Networking & Exhibitions

Please register now for a day of fun, unique and interactive learning!

May 5, 2022
7:30 – 5:00

Minneapolis Marriott City Center
30 S 7th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Sponsorship Opportunities are still available – please contact us at!




Lisa Myers
Managing Partner at Infrared Partners





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