The past few months have been a great time of learning. We acknowledge that we are undoing generations of racism, racial/social trauma, and injustice. Change doesn’t happen right away, and it is a continuous learning journey.
There have been some great DEI events the past few weeks, so we wanted to highlight a few.
Day of Diversity: Hosted by LGBT Meeting Professionals Association was a great event covering topics such as Liberating for All: The Future of Pride, Welcoming diverse groups to your destination, ending system racism: one person at a time. On demand, recordings can be found
MPI Global hosted a variety of #Realtalk topics on Conversation on Ageism, Leveraging Meetings for Transgender Justice, AAPI Voices in the Meetings & Events Industry,
On demand, recordings can be found
Thank you to everyone that joined the DEI Community chat where we discussed a podcast about:
Pride, Pronouns, and Privilege: How Intersectionality Informs Our Allyships Journey. Our next DEI community chat will be in Fall.
Each month we will be rolling out DEI tidbits as well. We hope you get a chance to check out the resources, learn and translate words into action.
Get involved! We are recruiting for our DEI committee and would love to have you join. Please reach out to and if you are interested in helping with this work.