Benefitting the United Way of Central Iowa
November 15, 2022 at 9:300am
Embassy Suites
101 Easy Locust Street
Des Moines, IA 50309
Plan to put Literacy Kits together while catching up with your friends or meeting some new ones at the MPI Heartland summer social just before the MPI Heartland Chapter meeting. Literacy Kits are used at early childhood centers and schools throughout central Iowa to help students in kindergarten through fifth grade learn and love to read.
Each Literacy Kit includes:
Completed Literacy Kits are used by children in childcare centers, in the classroom, as part of after-school programs, and to help children build their personal libraries at home.
Registration for each kit is just $10.00 and on average one kit can be completed in one hour. All materials will be provided for kit assembly at the Embassy Suites. We will plan to assemble one book prior to the November MPI Heartland Chapter Meeting.
You may purchase additional books for assembly immediately following the chapter meeting as well!