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December 2022 - Sharon Collins, CMP, CMM, DES

By: MPI Georgia | Dec 13, 2022

Collins, Sharon3 - 2020 

Sharon Collins, CMP,CMM, DES - Immediate Past President

As 2022 draws to a close, I'm reminded that my time on the MPI Georgia Board of Directors is nearing its end. Since joining the board many years ago, words cannot describe the experience that it has been for me. "Working" with such talented individuals has made me a better meeting professional and a better representation of myself.

When asked to describe being a volunteer leader in one word, I had to pause to determine the best word. Or when I was talking to chapter members about being a board member and asked to describe board service in one word, I had to retake pause. So, how do you describe an experience that has literally changed my life in so many extraordinary ways? So, I sit and ponder … one word.

Realizing that I couldn't come up with one word, I started to list all of the benefits of serving on the MPI Board of Directors, so I could pick that one word out. And man, once the floodgates opened, I couldn't stop listing word after word after word—words like empowering, influential, connections, community, inspiration, and friendships. The sky is the limit with what I got from serving on the board. Sky? Cloud? Oh, got it. I can create a word cloud that captures everything that defines my board experience. I've attached it here for you to see many of those words to hopefully inspire you to volunteer on an MPI Georgia volunteer committee or on the board.

Submissions are now open to join the MPI Georgia Chapter Board of Directors. Please lend your voice, your talents, and your passions to continue the great work of the board members who came before you. Be a part of something that gives meaning to the hundreds of chapter members and gives you the rewards of a lifetime.

As I close out, I want to thank all of you, the MPI Georgia members, who trusted me over the past 5 years to represent your professional needs. My word cloud shows so much of what I gained from this experience, all of which I will cherish forever.

Happiest holidays to all of you.

Sharon Collins Word Cloud Graphic 121222


MPI Georgia

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