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November 2022 - Katie Nunn, CMP

By: MPI Georgia | Nov 8, 2022

Nunn, Katie 

Katie Nunn, CMP - MPI Georgia Director of Administration 

Once during a kayaking excursion in DC, my friend and I accidentally started traveling down the Potomac River instead of paddling in the calm waters around Teddy Roosevelt Island. It was amazing on the ride out. We barely had to paddle; we just rode the current past all the iconic landmarks of DC. When we had to turn back towards the dock, it wasn’t very much fun as we were battling the swift current and dodging large boats left and right. Every stroke took everything we had; if we stopped for a second, the kayak turned around, and we started down the river again.

For most of my life, you could find me just drifting down the river. I was a go-with-the-flow, don’t rock-the-boat, easy-peasy kind of girl. I didn’t seek out many challenges because life is easier when you know what’s ahead, right? But, after many years of that, one day, I realized I wasn’t being fulfilled by that carefree, laid-back lifestyle. I had to force myself out of my comfort zone and see what I could accomplish. So, on a whim, I decided to leave DC, my home of 10+ years, and start over in a whole new city. I arrived in Atlanta, in an apartment I rented sight unseen, with no job and maybe 4 friends living here. 

Did I have doubts those first few weeks? Of course! But I found a job, met more friends, made that apartment a home, and built a new life in the south. In the end, it seemed silly that I was ever nervous. With proof I could do it, it was time to find the next challenge. I started attending the MPI Georgia events and became a Tech Summit committee member, then a Fall Classic chair, and now I’m an MPI Georgia board member! With each step, I gained new skills and an abundance of confidence.  

Because all of that wasn’t enough, I just started a new position! I moved from an in-house planning company to an agency. Holy moly, this is a change! The learning curve is steep, figuring out the needs and quirks of so many clients. The days are long, but I’m learning and growing so much! I have endless opportunities to take my event planning career to the next level. I’m so excited to see what the next day, week, month, and year will bring my way. 

With the new year hurling towards us, I encourage you to find something to challenge you. It can be small (like writing an article for ReConnect - this was hard for me; I am not a wordsmith!). But you’ll be a better person for it, and MPI Georgia and I will be here to support you! 



MPI Georgia

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