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April 2022 - Jackie Beaulieu

By: MPI Georgia | Apr 12, 2022

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Volunteering Makes You Feel Good

Written By: Jackie Beaulieu, Director of Membership

There is a quote that says, “Humans just feel better when we do something nice for another human.” I believe that and volunteering helps us all feel good.

As a result, being part of MPI, specifically MPI Georgia, has helped me tremendously. This is true for a variety of reasons, but at the top of the list is that I derive great satisfaction from making new and meaningful relationships, both personally and professionally. I enjoy making a positive difference for our industry and in the lives of those I have an opportunity to interact with.

I have been in the industry for over 20 years. I am very privileged to work for a company that recognizes the importance of being involved and giving back. The meetings and events industry is a uniquely tight knit community of professionals. By virtue of our profession and the travel we must do we see each other all the time at various industry events and as a result, sometimes by default, we develop close relationships and share so many fun experiences. I’ve attended the weddings, funerals, family dinners, graduations and have made friendships that have endured three decades with industry colleagues! To me that is invaluable.

That is the warm, feel-good side and how I personally benefit from volunteering. But volunteering has helped me professionally over my many years in the industry. I have become a better leader in large part through the opportunities that MPI has afforded me. I have had opportunities to stretch myself and take on new initiatives that wouldn’t have not come my way otherwise.

My volunteering experiences with MPI Global, MPI MD and MPI Georgia have also provided to me a unique perspective on people. I have been exposed to many personalities and all types and levels of professionals. It has made me acutely aware of how much we are the same but also our many differences. I believe it has made me a more effective and thoughtful leader. When wearing my leadership hat, I like to filter my interactions through the “intention” lens. What was someone’s intention? How can I empathize? How best can I help? I believe when you volunteer, you learn more from others than you give … about people, about the industry, about yourself.

Volunteering is eye opening. If you allow it, it can inspire you to find ways to pay it forward. This can be accomplished by offering to speak, mentor, surprise someone with an unexpected card, note, recommendation, make some phone calls, share your thoughts in area you have expertise … there are unlimited ways to make a difference. I believe if more people opened their minds, hearts and calendars and took time to volunteer … well, the world would just be a better place, but MPI Georgia would benefit greatly. We need you!

So, if you are reading this, I hope to meet you soon. I’m excited to take on the role of the 2022 – 2023 Vice President of Membership for MPI Georgia and continue collaborating with the phenomenal volunteers that make up the MPI Georgia Membership team. I hope you will reach out to us to share your thoughts, new ideas and your time. Remember to get your “feel good” on and volunteer your time with MPI Georgia.



MPI Georgia

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