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November 2021 - Neil Hibbert

By: MPI Georgia | Nov 9, 2021

Hibbert, Neil (print)   Neil Hibbert
VP of Finance (2021-2022)
Director of Membership (2020- 2021)
Director of Strategic Partnerships (2019-2020)

Hello MPI Family,

I have a personal mantra: ‘you create the life you want to live and you have to grow to be successful’.

When I began volunteering with MPI, I did so knowing that it would help me create the right relationships and educational opportunities that would fuel my future success in this industry. I can honestly say that MPI has helped to open doors that I could not have opened on my own (with a job title or company signature).

While I currently serve as VP of Finance the underlying lesson for me is that greater financial literacy is an education that helps secure a greater financial future for our chapter. It is also ‘executive C-level training’ in a way that can maximize profits, minimize cost, and grow a business simultaneously. All of these are executive skills which many role-specific management jobs do not teach in-depth.

Courage is defined as the mental or moral strength to persevere and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. Our industry has had a courageous fight so far. I encourage you to join the fight on another level for the rebirth and renewal of our industry through serving on a committee with MPI Georgia. The relationships, tools, and resources here are invaluable.



MPI Georgia

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