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June 2021 - Allyson Wagner, CMP

By: MPI Georgia | Jun 9, 2021

 Wagner, Allyson3 - headshot 2020   Allyson Wagner, CMP
MPI Georgia President 2020- 2021 

Well, here we are at the end of another amazing, albeit challenging year, for MPI Georgia.  Through challenges comes change. And as a result, we have been inspired to re-invent ourselves, discover new skillsets we didn’t know we had, and support each other through job loss, isolation, and personal challenges.

I want to thank our MPI Georgia community for sticking with us and showing up.  Our board members have strived to serve you this year by providing creative and fun ways to stay connected virtually through networking, education, and social media. When I asked them to try new things and stretch outside their comfort zones, they obliged… and you attended, engaged, and hopefully gained new knowledge and connections.

As we move back to in-person events and celebrate our industry’s comeback, I’m personally inviting you to join me at the Phoenix Awards on June 24 at The Foundry at Puritan Mill. It’s going to be a night filled with celebrations, seeing old and new friends, networking, great food and drink, as well as some surprises along the way!  Registration is open until June 17.  It’s the best investment you’ll make as we head into the 2021-22 year for our chapter!

It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your president this past year.  I’ll be forever grateful for the opportunity and the personal and professional growth it afforded me.  

With gratitude,




MPI Georgia

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