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Find Your Passion at MPI

By: MPI Georgia | Dec 9, 2019

Allyson Wagner, CMP
MEMORY MAKER | Senior Project Manager- Meeting Services
Drury Design
Member since 2007

I recently read an article that said “Finding your Passion” is old, outdated, and frankly bad advice when it comes to pursuing and advancing our careers. The writer suggested that we need to look more closely at our motivations, needs, skills, and what we’re willing to do – or give up – in order to find that perfect job. A passion doesn’t always pay the bills, and if we’re honest, we all need to pay the bills (unless of course you’re independently wealthy, and if that’s the case, you are probably NOT reading this).

Allow me to give another perspective. Our passion doesn’t have to be fulfilled by the job that pays our bills. And we shouldn’t have to give up something to pursue a passion. There are so many other ways to not only discover your passion, but to live it out. At the top of the list of other ways is giving your time away to something you care about. In other words, volunteering, giving back, serving.

So if you’ve never thought about finding and nurturing your passion through volunteering, here’s your chance! MPI Georgia is committed to helping our members find the right role to do just that. Whether you love designing and planning unique events, serving the community at Covenant House, developing young leaders through mentorship, designing social media campaigns, or you just love people, MPI has a place for you! As you begin to think about your goals for 2020, why not include MPI Georgia as a place to discover and pursue your passion?

Nominations for the 2020-21 Board of Directors is now open. Click here for more information. 

And if board service isn’t your thing, there are lots of other opportunities to serve.



MPI Georgia

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