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November 2017 - Why NETWORKING is Working

By: MPI Georgia | Nov 1, 2017

StevenSchumacherSteven SchumacherDunwoodyCVB
Director of Sales
Dunwoody CVB
MPI Georgia Vice President, Membership
Member since: 2013


Why NETWORKING is Working

I often find myself explaining to friends and family what I do with the Dunwoody Convention + Visitors Bureau. Prior to my current gig as the Director of Sales with one of Metro Atlanta’s fastest growing third-tier markets, explaining my job as a hotel sales manager was easy. I got paid to sell hotel rooms and meeting space to corporate and association groups. Not bad, right? Fast forward to my role at the Dunwoody CVB, and I get confused looks after several failed attempts of explaining my day-to-day role. Attending numerous local events and travelling to “sell Dunwoody,” leads my friends and family to believe that I get paid to eat and drink at cool places in Atlanta and around the country. While this is accurate, it can be difficult to explain my job function to those outside the hospitality industry. 

So, what is our industry built on? NETWORKING. It’s what we do. NETWORKING is the core of establishing relationships, building a connection between planners and suppliers, and growing our personal and professional network. Without constant networking, how could we be as successful as we are? More importantly, how can we make NETWORKING even better?

Since moving to Atlanta in 2013, success has not come easy. I worked with three different hotel sales teams before finding a real passion in the CVB world. There have many ups and downs along the way – the highs of crushing it one quarter and cashing that sweet bonus, followed by the sudden lows of that blue-chip account passing on my property. Sometimes a projected 110% goal to finish the year ends up being a meager 43% in actual sales.  

It’s been a fast-paced journey since moving to Atlanta from New England (Go Patriots). My wife and I have experienced an engagement, job changes, wedding, new home, and are now awaiting our baby due in January. We all have to find a way to balance our professional and personal lives along the way. In order to stay sharp, grow my personal and professional network, and continue my passion for this industry, I continue to do one thing – NETWORKING.

MPI Georgia’s network of industry professionals brings meeting professionals together at unique venues throughout Metro Atlanta. Our chapter’s goals center on providing education, NETWORKING opportunities, and business connections. The best way to make the most of your membership is to attend chapter events and meet the people that make it work. MPI Georgia strives to provide quality networking for our members each month. Face-to-face interactions are all about relationship building.

Each event includes networking components allowing you to broaden your network and show your personal brand with some of the best people in our industry. My current position as VP of Membership, and the connections I have made in Atlanta and beyond, would not be possible without MPI Georgia. The value of your membership with a commitment to chapter programs can be your best resource for professional growth in your career.

The Membership Committee wants to hear from you. Whether it’s about becoming a new member or staying involved as a committee volunteer, please feel free to reach out to me. Let’s make a connection. Grabbing coffee or lunch at Alon’s Bakery in Dunwoody is always a treat. I am eager to chat with you about our great chapter. Give me a call, shoot me an email, or tap me on the shoulder at our next event. I look forward to that next opportunity to NETWORK with you.



MPI Georgia





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