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Member Showcase - November 2021

By: MPI Georgia | Nov 9, 2021

 Schmidt, Peter         Peter Schmidt
Director of Global Accounts 
NHS Global Events
Members since 2018

Peter has been an MPI Georgia member since 2018 and is on the 2021/202 Board of Directors. MPI Georgia connection? The first I became aware of the Georgia chapter was from the Fall Classic email campaign. That event had my attention right away and I then became a member on the spot. I attended the event for the first time in 2019 and was hooked ever since. Didn’t win the event that year but redeemed myself eventually.

How did you get into the hospitality industry? Early on it was clear to me that the service industry will become my professional home. There was always something about helping and supporting others that resonated with me. Once I was clear on that, the hotel business became the natural fit. I started my apprentice time in Munich’s top hotel and ended up in Florida and with NHS. Looking back on my professional career it appears the steps I took, one after the other, looked so neat and planned out.  However, it was much different from what it was like moving out of Germany and trying to figure out how to put one foot in front of the other.

What's one of your most unique personal or work accomplishments? The biggest accomplishment of my life was that move from Germany where I was born and raised, leaving my immediate family and friends and all that behind to fulfill my dream of living and working in this amazing country. I arrived two days before my 27th birthday and will never forget pinching myself for having made this huge step. This adventure has ended up treating me so well and allowed me to grow roots in the form of my own family on a personal level and my MPI Georgia family on a professional/friend level.  In the “other amazing accomplishments” category falls the most recent Championship win of the 2021 Fall Classic Bocce Tournament.  That first-place win brought it all 360 for me with this amazing group of fun-loving professionals.



MPI Georgia

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