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President's Message - April, 2019

By: Tim Barrett, CMP | Apr 9, 2019

Tim Barrett

Tim Barrett, CMP
Director of Meeting + Program Operations
Destination South Meetings + Events
President, MPI Georgia
Member since 2014

Destination South Logo

I’ve been thinking a lot about time lately. Time is a finite luxury and in the ever increasing speed of our day-to-day lives in business and in the home, the value of time has increased exponentially.

Each month, around 100 of our members dedicate a minimum of one hour volunteering for our chapter. Of course, many offer a great deal more depending on their project, but let’s just focus on the minimum amount of time. That’s 100 hours that 100 people are choosing to dedicate to the success and health of this organization. One hundred hours of mentoring, securing an expert speaker, uncovering a useful product or service, writing an article, making a smart financial decision, preparing a meal at the Covenant House, finding a sponsor to help us dream big, and welcoming a future member.

One hundred hours away from family and friends. One hundred hours in addition to a traditional workload. One hundred hours ignoring that chore or favorite pastime. One hundred hours for you, me, and our fellow members. These members recognize the value of what our chapter provides and choose to make the investment of their time.

What value do you place on your MPI membership? Why do you renew? With a chapter that numbers in the mid-500s, imagine if everyone added one hour of volunteerism. What could we accomplish with more than 500 hours a month? Talk about immeasurable!

My time as president of this chapter is quickly coming to an end. Past presidents have all warned that the year would “fly by” and I’ve found this to be the case. My hope is that with the leadership of the board of directors, our committee chairs, and faithful volunteers that we’ve added value to your time as a member of MPI Georgia. And for those who “punch the clock” for the members, may you find great reward.



Tim Barrett
Tim Barrett, CMP
President, MPI Georgia 2018-2019 at Destination South Meetings + Events

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